A Romantic Life

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Xandar leads me to a secluded shelter hidden to Gotham's pricing eyes. I turn to see my dog following close behind looking up at Xandar. "Most people don't hike near here." I nod tossing a stick and watching my dog run after it. "I'm not most people." Xandar nods with a light smile.

"I can tell."

Xander opens the door revealing a maze of concrete walls and fluorescent lights. I narrow my eyes at him confused. "It's simple for my own protection. Madmen usually can't be calm enough to figure out a maze." I nod looking down at my dog. "What do you think, bud?" He barks and sprints in as fast as he can. I smile at Xander losing the sight of the other redhead behind him rolling his eyes. "Lead the way."

After a short time following the turns of the maze, we enter a small living area leading to what appears to be a regular home. I run my fingertips over the sleek wood of the fireplace mantel. "This is a beautiful home." I scan the high ceilings and beautiful sky lighting. "Are we underground?" Xander returns to my side with a cup in hand. "Hot chocolate?" He nods smiling. "Good man." I laugh bringing the treat to my lips.

"Why do you take such precautions, Xander?" He sits on the couch leading me to do the same. "I've had a bad history. Someone out there plans to hurt me." I scoff nodding. "Bad history? What did you run some kind of gang?" I laugh sipping the sweet drink. Xander shakes his head smiling. "No." He turns to me setting his cup down on the table in front of him. "I had a brother. When I was younger he... tried to hurt me. Put a knife to my neck, set my bed on fire, the whole 9 yards, He was insane." "What happened to him?" "I don't know all the details. I fled when I was young and was adopted and pushed the whole life behind me. Last I heard he had passed in an accident." I reach for his hand squeezing it in comfort.

This man is a complete stranger, I've followed him into his insane home, he's made me a drink, and now opening up to me as if I've known him forever.

It feels as if I've known him.

"I'm sorry Xander. I understand what it's like to lose someone close. Even if they're far from the same situation. I do share the grief you feel." Xander grabs my hand and squeezed it just as I had before. "Was this man your significate other?" I smile lightly remembering the old days of the relationship I had with Jerome. "Yes. He was there for me when I needed him, but we all grow apart sometimes." "Truly." Xander nods in agreement. "I don't like to talk about the past much. I find it unimportant. We only move one way." "I don't like the relive my past either."

"Where do you work (y/n)?" I pop my head up and gaze into his eyes. "Currently I work with the GCPD. My father's Detective Jim Gordon. I trained under him for several years." "You don't catch me as a cop." I shrug. "Technically not, but I do like to try and make this city a better place." Xander smiles. "That's noble of you. You have a good heart."

I feel the heat rising to my cheeks and I look down taking another gulp of my hot chocolate. "What about you?" "I'm an architect. I've helped design many buildings in the city." "How do you do business if you stay here?" "I have a couple of proxies who assist me."

Hours upon hours this man and I spend talking about nonsense around our lives. Maybe this could be my new start. Jerome did say things were changing.

Did he mean this?

Xander laughs throwing his head back. He removes his glasses and wipes the corners of his eyes. "Don't tell me you actually said that to your father!" I nod laughing again. "Yes! He was so mad! But what was I suppose to do? I didn't have a mom." "Did she leave?" "No. When my dad served in the Army my mom moved to the central city. She didn't feel safe in Gotham without him. We ended up getting in a car accent not long after my dad came home. He moved me back here and we've been living in Gotham ever since." Xander looks at me with sad eyes. "I don't have my mother either. She was murdered." I furrow my eyes and lean to kiss his cheek. "I understand Xander." He looks me in the eyes searching them deeply. He places his hand on my cheek and trails my bottom with his thumb.

"No one ever has. No one knows what any of this is like. Except you." I lean into his touch missing the feeling.

His nose brushes mine with lightness. "(Y/n)?" "Yes?" "What's happening?" I smile never breaking eye contact. "You tell me smartie pants." Xander gulps letting out a shaky breath. "Well, I feel as if you know me." I nod in agreement making him smile. "Doesn't it scare you?" He mutters. "I learned you shouldn't be scared of fate. Plus I've seen scary, and you don't have his smile." Xander laughs and leans in slightly. "May I?" I nod closing my eyes. "Please."

His lips touch mine and everything falls into place. My mind clears for the first time in a while and all I can think about is how sweet and gentle this man is. Xander Wilde is an angel sent to save me.


"Yeah, I'm not going to be late, dad." I roll over in the expensive silk sheets of Xander's bed. "I checked your home, and you weren't there. Where are you?" I run my fingers through Xandar's hair as he rests his head on my legs reading. He looks up at me and looks at me questionably. "I'm in a house." "(Y/n)." My father's voice strains through the phone line.

"Don't lie to him, (y/n)." Xander closes his book and sits up. "I'm being safe." "Where are you?" I smile at Xander inching closer to my face. I graze my nose against his softly making his cheeks gain a rosy color. "I'm with someone." My father's voice quiets and Xander smiles. "With someone?" "Yeah. I won't be late." "Should I be worried?" I shake my head smiling at Xander. "No. He's nice." My father huffs. "Just be careful. You need to meet us in an hour." "any new break?" "Harvey said some guy named Dwight might be behind all this. We're going to see him when you get here." "Okay. I'll see you there."

I hang up and kiss Xander's nose huffing. "I have to go." He nods and adjusts his glasses. "Wish you didn't." I smile and kiss his cheek as I stand up gathering my things. "You can just leave them here. I'll make sure everything gets cleaned up." I toss my shirt from the previous night on a chair narrowing my eyes at him. "You want me to leave my stuff?" Xander shrugs with a shy smile. "Wouldn't it be easier if you didn't have to carry it all?" I lean forward wrapping my arms around his neck. "I think you just want an excuse for me to come back." He smiles and kisses my collar bone lightly. "You know you can just ask me, Xander. I thought we could ask each other anything?"

Over the course of two months, Xander and I have become extremely close. Close enough where I don't resort to thinking of he crazed boy from my past. "I can. I just don't want you to leave me so quickly." Xander wraps his arm around my waist and begins to waltz around his darkened bedroom. "Let me treat you to a very nice dinner tonight. I'm going to have to leave for a week for some business." "Aww, so you'll be missing on me?" He smiles and catches my lips without hesitation. "More than anything, (y/n)."

I stop swaying and look down. Xander places a finger under my chin making me peer up at him. "What?" "Don't tell me we're acting like two high schoolers racing into this." Xander ponders for a moment before meeting my gaze once more. "I can't tell you that because we are, but is that such a bad thing? We've accepted each other knowing there has been fear and torture in our pasts. I say let this be our time and just enjoy it. You're the only thing that makes the memories go away." I smile at Xander and fall into him allowing myself to accept my emotions. I can have a normal life with this man. I haven't felt like this in a long time and I'll be damned if I let it go.

I lean up and kiss Xander laughing. "I'll be back." my hand falls out of his grasp lightly and he shakes his head smiling. "Do you remember your way out?" I nod slipping my shoes on. "I could find the door blindfolded." Xander nods. "That's my girl."

Such A Joker (Jerome x reader) ~ (Jeremiah x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora