Be Free

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"How are you going to do it?" I ask holding Jerome's cold hand. "Sending waves of high electricity and jump-starting the brain should trail with the elements of the awakening."

A loud laugh echoes through the warehouse causing me to fight green eyes I lost long ago. "He's going to fry me!" Jerome laughs looking down at himself.

"Well looks like when this is all over you won't need that replacement any more."

Xander. Crap. 

Jerome giggles clapping his hands together. "He's not real anyway, doll. Don't worry about it. You think you've been living a life without me to help you along?" Jerome pets my head kissing the crown of my head and grabs my cheek. "Aw, sweets, you do need me."

Everything I've done in the past couple of months has been fake? It would explain how closely Xander and Jerome resemble each other. Maybe I am just crazy. Maybe I never was cured.

Maybe I just need to be free again.

"If you don't want to get shocked Ms. Gordon I would advise you to remove your hand." Dwight places clips on Jerome's body and flips switches making a huge machine hum with power.

Dwight giggles as he rests his hand on a large lever. "HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS FOLKS!" The lever is forced over and lightning fires within the room. Dwight cackles at my poor lover's body gets fried.

"Come on Jerome. Come on, baby." I beg, gripping the chair for life.

Soon after the machine clams down and Jerome is still lifeless. I grab his hand weeping. "J?" I lean down trying to listen for a heartbeat any sign of life.

"He's still dead." Dwight's assistant addressed. "I know he's still dead. I ran into some technical difficulties. Nothing that I can't fix."

"Is everything plugged in?"
"Try turning it on and off."
"I did! Three times."

"Look, you have spent the last year telling everyone that the Prophet would return. People have made sacrifices for you, Dwight. I left a really good job at the post office. The police are coming, and you promised them Jerome. The others expect to hear him speak.
They want to see his face and if you can't do that-"

"You know, you make an interesting point."

Dwight walks near, grazing Jerome's face. "What are you doing?" I gasp seeing a small scapula in his hands. Dwight smiles and rests a hand on my cheek.


the black bag is thrown over my head and I'm forced away from Jerome.


I'm sat in a chair now fully handcuffed and unmoving. I groan moving my arms and resiting against the restraints.

"Don't move too much, doll. You'll bruise your pretty wrists." Jerome whispers in my ear. "You're not even here!"

"Not yet."

"Brothers and sisters, I promised you Jerome would return and today your faith is rewarded. Jerome is here, and so is our Queen!"

The bag is ripped off my head and I'm set on stage for the whole cult to see. I look up the stairs behind me and feel my heart sink.

Jerome's face is being used as a mask for this wannabe! Dwight prances down the steps wearing my lover's face!

"Behold the Prophet. The Prophet is here." Dwight grabs my hair raising me to a standing position. "We are back!"

The crowd screams in protest of their false leader. "Where's Jerome?" "Where's the hell's Jerome?"

Such A Joker (Jerome x reader) ~ (Jeremiah x reader)Where stories live. Discover now