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"Hey there kiddo. What are you doing here this late? It's 1AM, past your bedtime." Harvey asks looking at me. "Haha very funny. My dad asked me to come. Somethings about a circus murder." "You gotta be kidding right?" He laughs, and as if on cue the circus crew walks in still in full costume. "Hope you're not afraid of clowns Harv." I laugh and go get myself a cup of coffee to wake myself up. This is gonna be a long night.

As I'm about to question one of the clowns my father interrupts me. "(Y/n). Come here I want you to sit in on this one. Ben will take your place." I nod and follow my father.

"Who is it?" "Jerome Valeska. He's the woman's son. God it must be hard. Losing someone like that." "Yeah. Must be." I say quietly. We walk into the room and see Jerome sitting at the table with tear streaks down his face, and red eyes. Aww if I didn't know it was fake id cuddle him right there.

"Hello Jerome. This is my daughter (y/n). She's in training. Do you mind if she sits in?" Jerome sniffles and looks me up and down. "Of course not. It's very nice to meet you (y/n)." He extends his hand out and I grasp it immediately. "Pleasure. I'm sorry about what happened to your mother." He nods and sniffed again.

My father sits down across from Jerome. "Tell me about your mother Jerome." Jerome shrugs looking miserable. "She's my mother. What can I say? I love her. She's perfect. Not a very good cook. Except for that."

"Did she have any enemies? Someone with a grudge?" "No." "Boyfriends?" "No." My father tilts his head with raised brows. "No?" "She had lovers. Sex partners really, but not boyfriends. She didn't want the commitment."

My father starts naming off people that Lila had done the dirty with. "Any others?" My father asks. Jerome scrunched his brows. "Not any that I could put a name to."

"How do you feel about your mothers love life?" Jerome tilts his head slightly as if it was a stupid question. "I feel fine about it. If not for my mothers love life I wouldn't be here would I? Sex is a healthy human activity." Jerome says looking at me for a split second. "Don't you agree Ms. Gordon?" Ah shit what the hell J?! My father glances at me with a look that means give me the answers I want to hear.

"Uh yes." My father looks at me with a harsher look. "I-i mean I've never experienced it personally, but you" As my father looks as me with raised brows Jerome smirks at me winking.

"Do you have any other family?" My father asks turning back to Jerome. If looks could kill Jerome would have a minor bruise, but still. That was uncalled for.

"The circus is my family." My father nods. "Well thank you Jerome. (Y/n) do you have any questions to ask?" "Um yes actually. I do." My father nods and stands up and leaves to question another member.

"Heath class? Really?" He smiles and laughs a bit. "What was I gonna say? Oh yeah I have sex with Jerome all the time. It's great. Totally healthy activity." "Well that sounds fine to me." I roll my eyes sitting on his side of the desk. "You're so full of yourself." "Well sometimes I fill you up too doll." I look behind me to see the blinds closed.

"Come here." I pull Jerome by the collar of his shirt so his level with me. I quickly press his lips to mine. "My my my doll. A workplace romance didn't seem like your style. What would daddy say?" I run my hand down his chest and kissing down his neck. "He'd say... (y/n), you've been a very naughty girl." I say into his ear nipping at it.

He moans gripping my thighs. "Yes you have baby."

I pull away hopping off the desk. "While I would love for you to show me just how bad I've been we don't want to get caught. Come on. I'll keep you company while the other finish up." I say grabbing his hand and leading him out.

"I thought the deal was we don't know each other at all." "Well looks like we just became friends then Mr. Valeska." I say going up to the top level and sitting on the couch with Jerome.

We talked like we normally do. Him obviously making me laugh, but it looking like I was just comforting him from anyone on the outside.

His eyes still red and a tear slipping out every now and then to keep the sad orphan boy look present.  "(Y/n)? What are you doing?" I look to see my father hold files. "Just talking." I say simply shrugging.

"Well it's time for you to leave Jerome. You can certainly stay on the lower level with the rest of your friends." Jerome stands up sniffing. "Yes. Of course Sir. It was very nice to spend time with you (y/n). Thank you. You look beautiful by the way." I blush and look down forgetting my father standing literally 7 feet away.

I watched Jerome descend down the stairs wishing he could stay for much longer. "I don't want you talking to him." My eyes slide to my fathers. "Why? We're friends." "No (y/n). He's a suspect in a murder investigation. You are not getting all cozy with anyone. Especially him." I scoff and roll my eyes. "What happened to me being an adult? Huh? You said that what? Not even 12 hours ago."

He slams his files on his desk. "Yes you're an adult, but I will not let you befriend a suspect who is here for a investigation for his own mother. Go to your office." "So now you're grounding me? Making me stay in my office? What are you gonna do? Lock the door from the outside?" "(Y/n) please. Go!" I huff and go to my office in a fuss getting there as fast as I can. How dare he say that! He can't make me do anything! I lay on the couch in my office and eventually fall asleep.

Such A Joker (Jerome x reader) ~ (Jeremiah x reader)Where stories live. Discover now