Doctor Time

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The past days have been full of drama and information being spit out of every one's mouth. The toxic information that has caused me to do nothing but sit down and research this Pinewood Farms. My father, Alfred, and Bruce succeeded in getting Karen's path to Blackgate turned around, but some man showed up and froze her. I didn't believe it at first but then my father had explained the toxins that were sucked into his body to reanimate his cells and transform him to this Mr. Freeze. Poor Karen was frozen and then smashed. She did it to save them. She saved all of them, and for that I feel like I need to do something. Of course, other than concentrating on my studies, and having meetings with team "Free the City" (I think it's cool) I do nothing other then sit at home and watch dumb black and white movies.

The whole gang sits in the office of Wayne Manor and we all examine the picture being passed around of the Philosopher. "I've seen him before I just know it!" I say grabbing my head from the nonstop pain of trying to remember. "He runs Arkham now." My father says looking at me. The photo is passed around more, and again, and once again. When it rounds its course to me for the 5th time I stare at it for longer. "Arkham you said?" My father nods. I giggle and slam the paper down begging to type on my laptop. "What are you thinking?" Bruce asks with curiosity. "I worked as an intern with the GCPD right? I moved my way to working forensics as well. Now taking courses on phycology where else better to get a job? Huh? Say I'm a fresh graduate and need some real experience. Arkham patients could use someone like me to talk to. Plus, I could get down to the nitty gritty with Strange and- ""NO." My father says while we all look at him. "Why? No one else is qualified to go. I could be there and on one would suspect a thing!" "Y/n I said no. we can find another way. I told you what happened to Karen! If you were to get caught with information something horrible would happen. End of discussion." I slam my computer closed and stand to my feet. "I'm not a child. If I want to do this I will. Karen was an amazing shot to closing this book, and we lost her. She stepped in front of him willingly to save all of you! I'm not letting that go to waste. Now I'm doing this Jim! Whether you like it or not! I am not a child."

Jim POV:

The words came out like daggers being thrown. Repeatedly it played in my head.

I am not a child.
I am not a child.

Jim, remember what happened last time. She rebelled against you and everything fell. Don't let it happen again! You can't lose her again!

I took a deep breath and rubbed my forehead as she exited the room. Bruce looks at me and opens his mouth but shuts in in a hurry. "Go on Bruce." I say sitting back giving him permission to add to the situation. "I say if she is willing to go out and get this information then we let her. She is qualified and no one would suspect it. She doesn't remember what happened right? Let this be a fresh start on the right foot for her." "I just don't want her to go down a path to where I lose her again. It was bad enough the first time. Being in Arkham might trigger something to remembering him, and she could fall into her washed mindless state." "I'll make sure that doesn't happen. She's come this far and she's gained trust from everyone back. He's dead. Like you said before, Jerome was playing games with her. He made her do those things. Even if she does remember he is gone, he cannot manipulate her anymore. So please Jim I'm begging you as a friend of you and your daughter. Please, let her try." Bruce says with his hands linked together. I don't answer for minuets while sitting still. I take one deep breath and look around the room. Hopeful eyes scanning over my face. "Alright. She's going." I say and stand going to find y/n and tell her the news.

I make my way around the house and find her sitting in the kitchen on her phone. "Come to ground me?" She says without looking up. "No. It was wrong of me to speak to you that way. I understand you want to do all you can to help and I am just too scared to let you go off and do that, but I am putting that aside and letting you go through with this plan of yours. Just so much happened that you don't remember. It scares me to even think of losing you again." She sits up in her chair with ears full out never missing a word.

"What do you mean by bad things? Did I run away? Get in a fight or something?" I shake my head. I hate lying to her like this, but she can't know the truth. "There was an issue. You got into the wrong crowd of people and they ran wild." She sucked in a breath sharply. "Wrong people like the people we lock up?" I sit there silently and look at her as her eyes tear up and streaks wet her cheeks. "Was I a criminal dad?" I jump over to her side and hug her tightly. "No sweetheart. No. We all get turned around sometimes. It's nothing to worry about. I promise. You're back. You're back and I am never leaving you." She laughs and wipes her tears. "Thank you, dad." She kisses me on my cheeks as she did when she was little. The sweet little girl with curly pigtails flowing in the wind as she picked flowers and spun in her Sunday dress. She's my little girl.

(y/n) POV:

I button my shirt and fix my bun while taking one last look in the mirror. "Now you sure you want to do this?" My dad asks as he paces around nervously. "Of course! Now would you stop? I'm ready for this. This is going to help Bruce so much. Its for the best of Gotham." Harvey snickers as he takes another spoonful of his breakfast. "Are all you Gordons the same? Go for the best even if it means being stuffed in a loony box! Are you sure you want to do this kid?" I roll my eyes and once again look over my file. "Yes! For the hundredth time I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Now get off my back. I'm going to be late." The men shake their heads in laughter. "See you later Doc!" "Have a wonderful first day Ms. Gordon!" They say in sing song voices. "You two are dorks." I laugh and close the door. I go down the steps and out to the car. Turning over the engine a tiny folded piece of paper fly's out of the air vent. I unfold the thin while sheet and examine the letters on the parchment.

'Come by after work! Got somethings I think you should have. Xoxo Barbra.'

"What on earth would she have for me?" I crumble the paper and toss it in my purse. "She could have something interesting you know. Maybe it's some candy! Oh, I love sugar!" an unfamiliar voice rips through the air from the back seat of my car. I turn quickly to see a little boy with red curly hair and a freckled face. He sits in the middle with his hands twiddling. He had on an oversized grey sweat shirt and a worn pair of jeans. "Whoa! Hey kid! Where's your mom?" The boy looks down and shrugs. "I don't know. She went off with some man into a building. Just told me to wait here, but I got cold." "Your mother left you on the street?" "Yeah, but I'm use to it." She smiles sadly. "Hey, you want some candy? I heard you say you liked sugar. What do you say I hand over a candy bar and you brighten those eyes carrot?" I say making the boys eyes lighten. "Want to see a magic trick? I've been working on it all week!" "sure kid." I smile at the little boy.

He pulls out a pack of cards and shuffles them. "Now! I am going to make three piles!" He sets out three stacks and waves his hands widely. "Take a card from the middle stack, and lay it face up on either side of the other decks!" I do as instruct and revile a four of clubs. "Now do the same for the other side." I pick up another card from the middle and place it on the other deck which is the four of diamonds. "Okay. Now this card in the middle that I have not seen is yours. Pick it up. Now understand I haven't seen it. I have no clue what it is!" He says dramatically. I look at the card from the middle claiming the Joker in my hands. "Now that you have seen your card! Put it back anywhere in the middle stack as I look away!" The boy covers his eyes with his little hand and I place it in the stack. He picks the two fours and places one on top and one on the bottom. "Now I call this trick two fours! Now I know your card is somewhere between the top and the bottom, but I don't know where it is. I'm going to put all the cards together and shuffle them." I watch as he shuffles with a determined look on his face. "Now! I want you to think of the card you had! Think harder than you ever have in your life!" He places his fingers on his head in concentration. "Oh! It is coming! I see it! Your card is... right here!" The boy pulls out the 3 of hearts. "Sorry buddy. Maybe with a little more practice you'll-" "Oh! No, I'm sorry this isn't your card! Your card is in there!" The boy points to my sun visor. I narrow my eyes and drop the visor and hooked under the mirror I see my card. The card I had pulled from the stack!

I look back at the kid and see him smiling in pure joy. I laugh and pass over the candy. "How'd you do that?" "A great magician never reviles his secrets." I nod and pull the card out looking at it. "What's your name magic boy? I never got to-" I turn back to see him, but he is gone. Only the candy bar remains in the seat. A knock on my window turns my attention to view my father. "You okay honey? You look like you've seen a ghost." I nod my head and make up some dumb excuse about the heat warming up. I brush off the weird episode and label it as stress. Time to get some real work done!

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