Shot in the Snow

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(Y/n) POV:
First Jerome died, then my dad got arrested! It's just one thing on top of another! He's all over the news about escaping the prison and all. I think Harvey knows something, but he won't tell me. The GCPD still looks at me as a crazy insane girl. I was not insane. I was just in love. Sure it was with a giggling murderer, but you can't choose who you love! I do wish he was alive. It gave me something to do at least. I was never bored, I laughed the whole day, and I kept a wide smile.

I lay in bed letting my mind wander into the deep sea of sadness when I hear a window screech open. I sit up slowly and get out of bed. I reach under my bed and grab an ax. It just reminds me of Jerome.

I sneak closer to the sounds of light footsteps and swing in the darkness only hitting the wall and getting the ax stuck in the wall. "Whoa! Whoa!" The lights rip through the room. I shield my eyes as they adjust to the newfound light. "An Ax? Really?" I look up to see my father. "Dad!" I hug him tightly and smile into his chest.

Once I pull away I look at his appearance. "You look awful!" He laughs and hugs me. "I missed you too."

"Where have you been?" "Jail, then the ally, then a car, and then in the trunk of Edward's car, then finally at the Wayne's." "Ed? Why were you in his trunk?" I ask confused. Ed's been the one who's been keeping me in check; bringing me food and keeping me company. "He framed me. He's the one who framed me!" I stood still for a moment. "Then we have to get him. We have to catch him!"

He smiles and hugs me again. "Don't worry. We've got it covered. I just need your help." I smirk and cross my arms. "What's my job."


My dad and I walk into the Wayne Manor and I am immediately stunned. Sure Galavan's place was nice, but whoa. This kid is loaded! We walk into the kitchen and see three people in the large space. All I know who. Alfred the butler, Bruce the rich orphan, and Selina aka Cat the street kid.

Upon seeing me Bruce gets a scared look in his eyes. He stands up from his chair and backs away. "Bruce. It's okay. She's not bad. She's not going to hurt you or anyone here. I promise. That was all Jerome. He played mind games with her. Made her into something she was not." My father says slowly.

I wanted to say that he was wrong. Jerome never played games with my mind. I was probably the only one he didn't toy with the get to his advantage, but nothing I can do now to prove my point. He's gone.

Bruce straightens up and walks forward to me. He stretches his arm out. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Gordon. I hope we can be at assist whenever we are needed." "Um yeah. Thanks kid you too." I shake his hand and smile slightly. "What's my deal in it?" I ask looking at my father.

He sits at the table and looks up at all of us. "(Y/n) you're going to drive Selina down to the station so she can rat me out and get a reward. Then I'm going to see where Nygma goes. He'll think we're getting close and go dig up the bodies he's buried. That's the charge we'll get him on." "So when are we doing this?" Selina asks eating a piece of toast. "Right now if you want. Just let me ride in the back and get me to the alleyway." my dad says. "Well, what are we waiting on then? Let's go!"

I get into the driver's seat and drive to the station with Selina in the passenger's side and my father hunched down in the back. I pull up to the alleyway and my dad gets out quickly.

I park and Selina looks over at me. "Just drop me off here. Go back or whatever. It will look suspicious if they see that it's you. Go follow Nygma with your dad." I nod and she gets out of the car, but not before turning back to me and smiling. "You're not that bad Gordon. Not that bad." I smirk and laugh. "Same for you Cat. No, go get that money." "Pleasure." She says and runs in the station

I wait and then after ten minutes I see Ed walk to his car looking frantic. I follow him and I get to the woods just in time to see my father following him on foot. I step out of the car and hide with my father behind a tree.

Nygma starts digging in the ground. "Hello Kristin. I know you didn't expect to see me again, but circumstances. Now I'm afraid I'm going to have to move you." Ed starts talking to the grave.

Dad soon walks out but makes the mistake of snapping a branch catching Ed's attention. He turns around with a gun pointed at dad. "Jim Gordon. So you did find penguin, and that little bird sang." "Actually... we just followed you." I say stepping out shocking him. "(Y/n). No this-this isn't what it looks like." "Really? Cause it think it does. You're a murderer Edward. Cold blood." He laughs and shakes his head. "Forgetting who you are now? Last I remembered... You were the one who killed the former captain." "ENOUGH!" My father's voice rips through the tension.

"Well anyway bravo Jim! I'd clap, but I have your gun in my hand." "How did this happen to you? How did you become this?" "You dummy. This is who I am. Your daughter! The person she was with the clown; that's who she is. All it takes is finally admitting the truth. Well that and murdering some people." Ed says still pointing the gun at my dad.

"I don't believe that." "You don't believe it? Why Jim? Cause it would make you incompetent? To know that I was right under your nose the whole time? To know that your child is just as sick as me? Do you not want to admit that there is a monster in all of us? You of all people should know that. CAUSE THAT'S WHAT MADE IT SO EASY TO FRAME YOU!" "He was your friend. I was your friend Ed." I say stepping up. "Were you? Were you my friend? Or did you just pity me? Oh poor weird little Ed. With his little silly wordplay and his riddles." Ed rants.

Dad shakes his head. "You're completely insane." Ed laughs. "Yeah. It's easier for you to think that. How about one last riddle for old time's sake? A nightmare for some. For others a savior I come. My hands cold and bleak, it's the warm hearts they seek." "Death." Ed laughs and points the gun at dad again. "Goodbye Jim."

It all flashed so fast, but yet so slow. An image running but slowly trudging along. The trigger was pulled and my feet ran for it. I became a shield. I took the bullet for him. I hear a scream and I feel my skin start to become as cold as the snow below me. The last thing I see and he is ginger hair and a sweet laugh that makes me smile. Hello angel.

Such A Joker (Jerome x reader) ~ (Jeremiah x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon