Chapter Seven: Bakugo's Start Line

Start from the beginning

"Hey, It's Midoriya, Good to see you back bud!" Kirishima told him.

"Hah I don't know what you were saying during that match but you were all fired up, huh?" Kirishima told him surprising Izuku.

"I can't believe you held you own against Bakugo, He's super strong!" Sero complimented him.

"You did a great job dodging" Mina told him excitingly.

"You guys really turned up in the first match so none of us held back in our rounds either!" Sato told him.

"You did great broccoli head! You really held your ground today, I'm proud!" I tell him with a warm smile, as everyone introduces themselves making Izuku feel slightly overwhelmed.

"Um, hey guys!" Izuku says sweating from the attention, Uraraka came back into the room and instantly came over to Izuku questioning why Recovery Girl didn't heal him.

"Oh well it has to do with how much stamina I'm using" Izuku explained blushing, but then realized Katsuki wasn't here.

"Um, Kari. Where's Kacchan?" he said looking to me, making me look down.

"We tried to sop him from leaving but he wouldn't listen" Uraraka explains for me, Izuku then ran off to go find him, making me sigh.

"I better go make sure they're okay" I say grabbing my stuff and saying goodbye to everyone I started walking after Izuku.

After walking down many flights of stairs just to leave this stupidly large building I saw All Might holding Katsuki's shoulders while he had his elbow covering his face. Walking up to Izuku, I heard All might speak.

"Just so you know, pride is an important attribute to have but while you certainly have the abilities to become a pro hero, there's still plenty you have to learn" All Might told him happily.

"Let go of me All Might. Right now" Katsuki told him, making All Might look down to him.

"Save your speeches, I'll be more famous than you and I'll do it without your help" Katsuki told him angerly, making my eyes go wide. All Might is Katsuki's favorite hero why would he say that?

"Uh...Right" All Might said letting him go and he walked away, I quickly walked forward trying to catch up to Katsuki leaving All Might and Izuku.


Katsuki and I were walking home in dead silence, we were about half way there when I finally had enough of this awkwardness. I grabbed his hand making him stop and look me in the eyes. His eyes looked tired, defeated and almost sadden. I knew as his best friend I had to fix this.

"I think you did a great job today Katsuki" I tell him quietly, he didn't respond but just looked down to the ground.

"I really thought that special move with your gauntlets were cool!" I tell him with a soft smile, I could see a small smile on his face from that.

"You really think so?" He questioned with a low voice still looking at the ground, I put my other hand on his shoulder since my other one was still holding his hand.

"Yeah! You had such a powerful blast we couldn't even see for like five minutes!" I tell him excitingly, he looked up to meet my eyes again with a smile.

'There it is' I thought internally.

"Yeah it holds the nitroglycerin sweat in them so they can be stored, when I sent in the design I had to be really specific" he told me matter of fact, making me smile wide.

"Well you'll make a flashy appearance when you use that on a real villain in the future!" I tell him excitingly while continuing to walk home now.

"Psh, I probably wont't even need it since I'm already so strong without it" he says cockily while making small explosions.

"Okay killer calm down now" I laugh telling him as we walk together.

Katsuki and I made jokes to one another while we walked home, finally my house came into view so I stopped and turned to him, with a wide smile.

"Well hedgehog, I'll see you tomorrow!" I tell him getting ready to turn away but his arm shot out grabbing my forearm and pulled me into him surprising me.

"Katsuki" I whisper slowly as his arms are wrapped around me but I put my arms around his muscular frame. We stood there for what seemed like forever, smelling his scent which smelled like a smoky caramel.

"Thank you" was all he said, he didn't have to explain any further.

We broke apart lingering somewhat close to each other making me blush suddenly. I quickly turned around yelling bye and ran to my house, slamming the door behind me. I slid down it until I hit the floor, feeling the butterflies in my stomach, I smiled.

'Katsuki Bakugo, what are you doing to me?'


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