Chapter Five: Rage, You Damn Nerd

Start from the beginning

As Izuku and I walked on our way home after getting Recovery Girl's special kiss, Iida had stopped us.

"How is that broken finger?" Iida inquires.

"Oh thanks to Recovery Girl, it feels much better!"Izuku tells him.

"Little broccoli head is really tired though since healing people takes their stamina away" I explain to him and he nods as we walk.

"I was a little concerned by Aizawa's approach to class but I trust the schools judgement U.A is the top program. Even though lying is immoral." Iida tells us.

"Well sometimes lying is the only way for someones true potential to show" I counter and he agrees.

"HEY! WAIT UP YOU THREE!" Uraraka yells to us "Are you going to the station? I'll join you guys!".

"You're the infinity girl" Iida states.

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka, Lets see you're Tenya Iida and your name is Deku right?" Uraraka asks making Midoriya fluster at the name.

"Isn't that what Bakugo called you? During the fitness test he said 'Deku you bastard' right?" she questioned making me buckle over with laughter.

"Um well, My name's actually Izuku, Deku's what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me" Izuku explained now very flustered.

"That's unsportsmanlike, but he didn't seem to be that rude to Akari?" Iida questioned.

"Oh well Katsuki and I are best friends, just like Izuku and I" I say smiling while punching his shoulder lightly.

"Oh, I didn't realize that! I'm sorry" Uraraka told Izuku "But you know what I like 'Deku', it would make a great hero name! Plus I think it sounds kinda cute".

"Deku it is!" Izuku says wide eyed and way to fast making me laugh at his new crush.

"Just like that? Weren't you saying that it was an insult?" Iida questioned with hand gestures.

As we walked to the bus station, we talked about our favorite superheroes and soon departed ways.

~The Next Day~

As the school day progressed Katsuki was still pissed off at me, I tried to talk to him a few times and he either ignored me or said 'move bitch'. As I sat down in my seat next to him I sneaked a few glances. His head was down obviously thinking about something, if only he would talk to me again. My thoughts were interrupted when the door slammed open.

"I AM HERE!" All Might says "Coming through the door like a hero!".

Everyone was gasping in awe as the Number One hero was their teacher, even the moody hedgehog had a small smile on his face.

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A High. Think of it as 'Hero-ing 101'. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good!" All Might says doing a muscular pose "Lets get into it!".

"Today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might said with enthusiasm while holding up a card that said 'Battling'.

"Fight Training?" Katsuki asked with an evil smile, well now at least he's smiling right?

"Real combat?" Izuku asked worryingly.

"But one of the keys to being a hero is...LOOKING GOOD!" All Might says while racks with cases came out.

"These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests before school started." All Might explained, everyone got excited and started to cheer.

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