Three kids and a cat

Start from the beginning

"What's your favourite variation?"

"Blue bird from Sleeping Beauty." Jake nodded. "Classic, I know."

"Do you think my tumor shrunk?" She shrugged.

"I'm not sure, Jake. But let's hope for the best." He nodded and settled into his bed uneasily. "I'll be back later. Sit tight."


"And that is why I think Mark needs to get out of my relationship!" Arizona exclaimed when Callie went inside to extract their patient from the C.T. machine. Alex scoffed, again not interested in being in any argument as Emily sighed. "He basically went in and booked us a table for three - not including you! I mean, if that isn't bad mannered-"

"Arizona, come on. At least get to know him. He's our best friend," Emily soothed and the blonde rested her head on her hand, pouting. "And that sushi place is fantastic. What've you got to lose?"


"You're wooing Altman for surgery?" Emily shook her head as they lined up in the cafeteria. "That's disgusting." Jackson smirked and she rolled her eyes. "Don't give me that look. I've had you look at me before like that, and we ended up sleeping together." He dropped the smolder as she paid for a salad.

"I need this. Look, I just need a surgery."

"I could just ask Mark to put you on his service," she pointed out and he nudged her. "It wouldn't even be a problem-"

"Do not. I cannot have nepotism get me surgeries."

"Oh, but you can get surgeries by being the dumb blonde. Whatever. Come find me when it bites you in the ass."


"Did you find it?" She looked over at Alex's work as he scrolled down a website. He looked down at the sources as she wrote down potential sites. He shook his head as the two attendings behind them exchanged ideas. "What about that one?" The brunette pointed over his shoulder and he clicked on it. The two of them read through it quickly, examining the pictures before deciding that it wasn't the right one.

"A rotationplasty?"

Callie rejected the idea: "No, no, it's not possible with this part of the leg." Alex went back to the main sight and scrolled down slowly, reading all the article titles carefully. Arizona tried again.

"Fibular grafting?"

"Oh, no. Cancer's seeded to his fibula." After a moment, there was a deep sigh. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Callie resting her chin on her hand, pen balanced between her fingers. The Latina looked at Emily incredulously and, shrugging, Emily turned back to look over Alex's shoulder.

"Hey, click on that. Cadaver bone replacement for osteosarcomas. Try it." He moved the mouse over it and it loaded a article that was recently published by someone from Baylor. Meanwhile, Arizona and Callie were still having their dispute.


"You don't like Mark. Admit it."

"I like Mark."


"I like him. I do. We're just, you know.... We're different." Laughing in disbelief, Callie raised her head.

"Oh, my god. How are you different? Just tell me, 'cause I don't think you actually are." Arizona made a disagreeing sound and Alex looked over his shoulder at the couple. "What?"

"Should I leave?" He asked in a blunt tone and Emily nearly laughed.

"I second that-"

"Shut it. I'm waiting." Callie's voice was sharp as she turned to look at her girlfriend. Arizona scoffed and turned to face her girlfriend.

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