[From : Tsubaki
Come over to the usual restaurant. ASAP. ]

"Huh?" I wasn't having it since it was late at night. I was trying to type a reply but then a message came from my phone. It was Sakuya.

[From : Sakuya
Tsubaki it throwing a reunion party. You guys should come. No, you guys are invited. So, definitely must come to the party. ]

"Really?! At THIS hour?!"

~ ~ ~

Well, I wouldn't want to ignore my friend's invite, much more from his master. But it was an occasion for Sakuya and the others to finally reunited with Tsubaki.  But... the problem was these two.

"I get that you're still sleepy but..." I felt her arms wrapped around my chest and she was in a position where she hugs me from behind. "do we have to walk like this?"

"Uh-huh" she faintly answered with a nod.

This position continues as we walk to our destination. It was hard to walk like this. And Kuro wasn't of help with his complains.

"So troublesome." He sighs, "Why bother coming anyway?" He asked; it was the fifth time he ask me that.

"Bear with it. I'm not changing my mind to leave." I retaliate to Kuro's complains and walk forward without delay.

A few more blocks and we're there. But even if the time nearly strikes 12, the lights around the road and buildings are still shining the surroundings. The light in the restaurant was still on and moreover some voices were heard from the distance. Clearly guess who those were...

"Good to see that you finally came!" Sakuya was the first to greet us as he walk out of the restaurant.


It wasn't long for Sakuya to notice how [F/N] was acting. Well, since she's in a bad mood after waking up. Not bother to respond to others unless it was me or Kuro, so to how Sakuya wanted to see her... she just brush him off. It was rude of her to do so but it couldn't stay long until Tsubaki came to greet us too.

No words said, Tsubaki only pulled [F/N] from her embrace on me and dragged her in. We help ourselves to go inside. And when we entered, [F/N] wasn't happy about it. She was grumpy... Guess people would be grumpy when someone doesn't get enough sleep, I thought to myself.

Well, I know how to cheer her up. If I'm not wrong, maybe something sweet would boost her energy. I bought a melon soda and placed it in front of her. She didn't retaliate at first, but slowly she took the glass and drank it. As the same function as an energy drink, she was then up for the fun that had yet to come.

"Oh..." <Cat form> Kuro was observing from my shoulder.

"I've been long with you to notice the habits you both have in common." I place my hands on my hips; showing as to a well done guessing what she needed.

"Alright! Here's to getting back on Tsubaki's side." Belkia announced; holding a glass and rise it above his head.


[F/N], Kuro and I wasn't in on the words Belkia said since we're irrelevant to the subject. But we were happy to theirs and  Tsubaki's come back. Suddenly, Tsubaki try to make another announcement; holding [F/N]'s on his other hand and rise up together.

"And here's for the new family!" Tsubaki shouts out,

[F/N] was surprised; eyes widen as she looks at Tsubaki beside her. Enough to her energy, she was happy and only a slight smile was formed on her lips. For me and [F/N], it was worth coming to the party.

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