Chapter 30.

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"Dare." I smiled.

"Alright then, I dare you to make out with me." Nash made a kissy face and everyone laughed.

"Nash, that's not allowed." Matt had worry in his face.

"I know, I know. Worth a shot." He winked and I blushed.

"Alright, I dare you toooo- I dare you to let us all give you a lap dance, and you tell us which one is the best. Winner gets to have you sit on their lap." Nash evily grinned and all the guys agreed. I didn't know if I could go through with this. All these guys except Hayes have slapped me at least twice. Now, they wanted to all give me a lap dance? Why? I wasn't paying attention but Nash had apparently started already. I widened my eyes as Nash attempted a lap dance but failed. I laughed, and then it was Jack G. He was pretty good, and I kind of want to sit on his lap soooo. Next was Hayes, and he wasn't bad. Carter was horrible, and Jack J wasn't that good. Taylor was pretty good, but it was really uncomfortable for me. Aaron was also bad, and then that left Cam, Matt, and Shawn. I gulped as Matt approched me. It felt nice, but I sat super awkwardly while everyone watched. Shawn made everyone disappear and he made me feel so good. Cam did the same, and I just wanted more from both of them, and them only. Everyone's eyes turned to me waiting for the response. Shawn or Cam? Cam or Shawn? I opened my mouth to speak...

"Umm, Ca-Sha-Uhhh Jack G?" I was sur seeprised by my own words. He wasn't the best. He was good, but Cam and Shawn were amazing. I slowly walked over to Jack, and he patted his lap. I sat down, uncomfortablely and he wrapped his arms around my torso. Everyone was disipointed, but he wore a huge grin. I smiled, a fake smile. I decided to just relax, so I did. I leaned my weight against his chest and listened to his breathing. I wish that it could be Cam or Shawn who I was sitting on. Or Matt. He wasn't the best lap dancer but still. How could I choose between all of them? Ugh. The bus came to a stop in front of our first Magcon tour place. I claimed off Jack and took a deep breath. This was it. We all grabbed our bags like little school children and filed out of the bus. Fans that were waiting outside started screaming and holding posters. I grinned. I could always count on my fans to cheer me up. Since I thought this, I decided to tweet it. After I took a couple pictures with fans, and waved and smiled and all, we went inside and I pulled out my phone. I tweeted the message and responses quickly piled up. I sent another one.

Seriously though, you guys are the best. Thanks for that.

More responses again. I sent one more, this time about the tour.

Can't wait to meet some beautiful faces. Retweet if your coming to see all of us today?

I smiled at my phone then clicked it off.

"Were up Tess." Matt patted my back, and before I knew it... I was standing on the stage with the rest of the guys. Fans screamed our names and music blasted. I sta down beside Shawn when everything settled down, and it was question time. Cam picked first.

"Me? What, um okay? Would you ever date a fan?" A girl with bright green eyes smiled, then sat down.

"As long as their not to obsessive. I love you guys and all, but its hard to be in a relationship if someone is trying to collect your tissues." Cam answered and we all laughed.

"Um, if you could be any other Magcon guy, who would you be?" We each got to pick two, and Cam had just called on a shaggy haired fanboy.

"Hm, good question. Probobaly Shawn? I don't actually know." Cam shrugged and the audience giggled. Shawn picked a girl with ginormous hoop earings.

"How many girls have you ever dated?" She asked and sat down.

"Actually, only one. I mean, I don't know if she even knew we were dating. I don't even know if we were, things were  complicated. Um, that's actually who The Weight is about. I changed some of the story of course. She didn't hurt me, I just wish I had her back, you know?" Shawns eyes filled with emotion, and I could tell he really loved whoever this ex was. He called on another girl and her question was related.

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