Chapter 23.

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Tess's P.O.V

"What's up guys, its Tess! And I'm back with... Drumroll please... That's right, another video! This weeks video, its #AskTess! So, I'll be reading your tweets and answering some of your questions. Sooooo... Let's get started!"

I opened up twitter on my phone, and began to scroll down through the questions.

"What's your favorite food? Hmm... PIZZA! its so typical but so true."

I laughed and kept scrolling.

"What was your school life like?"

My eyes widened at the question.

"Well..." I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Next question!"

"Alright guys, thanks for watching and I'll see you soon! Bye!" I waved to the camera and flipped it shut. I sighed and began editing. Soon, when I was satisfied, I uploaded the video on to YouTube. I was really lucky to have so many fans. I've only been doing it for a year. I started doing it after my "make over" because it kept me busy. I also started singing after, which really helped me get a new start, and forget about the past. When I posted my very first YouTube video, I'd never known I would be so... Famous? No, not famous... Popular? Sure, popular, even though I hated the sound of that word... For many many reasons. I never made my singing popular though.. I never have ever made a singing video. Id also switched schools and that helped. Alot.

I was lost in my own world, tweeting and following people like crazy, when my cell phone rang and nearly made me jump.

"Hello?" I answered into the phone.

"Hi. Is this Tess Sanders?" A voice flew into my ear through the phone.

"This is she. Whos this?" I asked nervously.

" I'm Bart, I manage a group of boys called Magcon?" He answered, leaving me with more and more questions. Who was Magcon?

"Anyways, the boys and I are very interested in your videos and we know you have a lot of fans... So, we were wondering if you would like to join us on tour?" He spoke into the phone loud and clear. My heart skipped a beat and I almost toppled over in excitment.

"Ms.Sanders? Are you there?" Bart chuckled.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah-I mean yes. Yes I am here."

I nervously chewed at my nail.

"Umm. The tour?" Bart laughed again. My cheeks grew red. Oh yeah, that.

"I'd be really happy to come along! Of course I have to ask my mom though, and see if its okay with my family." I replied.

"Yes, of course. We need an answer by Friday." He answered understanding.

Today was Wednesday.

"Alright." I nodded.

"Cool. But Tess, you'll most likely be the only girl on the tour, so do make sure your parents say yes." His voice grew low. I'd been avoiding boys since my bullies so maybe meeting new ones wasn't so bad.

"I'm sure she will be fine with it, but I promise I will ask. I'll get back to you as soon as I can then?" I asked, now chewing my hair instead of my nails.

"Sounds good. If you have any questions just ask. Thanks Tess!" He spoke through the phone.

"Thank you!" I replied excitedly and we both hung up.

My mom had finally said yes to the tour by Friday, with a little begging and sucking up. I hugged her as tight as possible and called Bart back up.

"Hello? This is Bart. Who's speaking?" He sounded very professional.

"Umm. This is Tess. Tess Sanders? And I'm good to go for the Magcon tour!" I however, didn't sound very professional.

"Oh that's great! I'll email you the details?" Bart replied.

"Yes please, that would be good."

"Alright. I'll tell the guys. Bye Tess."


I hung up the phone and squeled in excitment. I was going on tour! It was Friday so I decided to wait till Sunday for another video. I usually only made them on Wednesdays, so my fans were in for a special treat.  My phone buzzed and I clicked it open to realize Bart had already sent the email. He was very efficient. I read it very loudly, to my mom downstairs.

You've been invited to The Magcon Tour! Were very pleased that you accepted our invitation. The tour dates are listed below.
Your plane tickets and hotel expences have already been paid for, including limos, or food. Your first tour will be starting very soon in L.A on April 15th, and you therefore, will be catching a plane to L.A next week! If you cannot make any specific tour date down below, please let me know. Thank you Tess, and welcome to Magcon!

There were alot of tour dates listed, and then a giant...


I shrieked in excitment and danced around the living room. My mom pulled me into a giant hug.

"I'm very proud honey." She smiled and I hugged her tighter.

"Thanks mom." I grinned up at her and realeased myself from the hug.

"Wait, next week! I've got to start packing!" I ran up the stairs and my mom just shook her head and laughed. This was a dream come true.

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