Chapter 15.

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Cam's P.O.V

I stared as Tess left the closet. Me and Shawn stared at eachother. And then I turned towards the door again. "Should- We go after her?" Shawn asked quietly. "No. She needs time. She'll be ok. We should go and see her later on tonight. Maybe." I answered. Shawn nodded. I saw something shimmering on the floor. I bent down and picked it up. Tess' s razor. I gulped. "uhhh, Shawn?"

Tess's P.O.V

l ran home tears running down my face. I wiped them away with the back of my hand and ran to my front door. I threw it open and dashed upstairs. I ripped open my bag and searched for my razor. Oh no. No no no no no. I couldnt have left it at school. But I did, and Shawn and Cam would probobaly find it. This made me more upset. I grabbed the one that I shaved with from the bathroom. I slid down to the floor, propped against the wall. I cried harder. I dug the blade into my skin. I was used to the pain. I dug deep and then deeper. I slid it back and worth in my skin. But then I looked up, to find my sister screaming at me to stop. I dug deeper. "Tess! TESS STOP! STOP IT NOW!" She screamed. I dropped the blade and yelped once. Then I became dizzy. Everything spun around in my head and the whole room went black.

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