Chapter 21.

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We got home and threw all our new clothes in the wash, then unwrapped everything but the jewlerly and organized it. Make up, shoes, hair things, and nails. Then I put the makeup in my makeup bag, nails things is my nail bag, put my shoes away and put my hair things away in the bathroom drawers. Then we took our clothes out of the dryer and folded them and put then away. By now, I was exhaughsted. Since we ate dinner at the mall, we decided to go to bed early. Tomorrow I was going to the gym and, I was meeting with Victoria's Secret. I quickly checked my phone and there was nothing interesting. All just hate from people at school. Nothing from my main bullies though. 'BUZZ.' My phont went off.

Don't listen to what my stupid brother and his friends say. Or what any other jerks say. Your worth it, not worthless, and you don't deserve this crap. I hope you sleep well beautiful. -Hayes

My heart just melted. Oh my god, that was the sweetest thing ever. No one has ever said that to me before. Or anything like it. I realilized a tear was rolling down my face, so I wiped it away, turned off my phone, crawled under the covers and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up happy. I decided to text Hayes back quickly.

Hey, thanks for being there for me. I really appreciate it.

I sent it and sighed. Time to get ready for the gym. I put on one of my sports bras, the lime green one, and pulled on some black shorts, and a loose pink tank top . I put on some mascara and grabbed my water bottle and a couple hair ties. I told Ally I was leaving, grabbed a banana and a yogurt drink and was out the door. I was still fifteen and still didn't have my license, so I decided to jog to the gym. Yes, I was jogging to a gym, so I could work out. I blasted some music into my ears thought my headphones, and was on my way. I pulled my hair back in a pony, then twisted it into a bun. I was looked like my somewhat regular self, because I was going to a gym, I didn't put on a sexy dress or that much make up. So yes, I still looked like me. I couldn't wait until I didn't.

I arrived at the gym and walked inside. I took a swig of my water and walked up to the front desk. "Hi, I'm Tess?" I showed the lady my membership pass and she smiled. "The gym is down the hall, on the left." She instructed me, and I nodded. "Thanks!" I called and disappeared down the hall.

I walked through the gym doors and went to stretch. After, I head over to the abs and stomache area. I did a couple an workouts, then some twists, cruches, and sit ups. I then went to the weights section and benched about 80? Not that much.. But hey, that's why I'm here. I went into the kick boxing section and found myself a punching bag. There was a boy about my age in the corner, punching his own bag. He looked familiar but I couldn't  put my finger on it. I slapped on some light gloves, (The ones that are just black, no extra padding) and took a gulp of my water. I eyed the punching bag in front of me. I threw a punch at it, and stepped back. I grunted and threw another one. The bag swayed lightly. I couldn't stop. I threw another one, and another one. Memories of my bullies flew around my head, and each one only made me punch harder. I kicked the bag once, then twice, and punched it over and over. I elbowed it a couple times, and then did a turn kick. I was on fire. How come it was so easy to do this to a bag, but not an actual person. Not one, or any of my bullies. This made me more and more upset, and the punching bag fell off the hook, and to the floor. I jumped back, surprised. "Whoah." The guy behind me said. "Umm." I bent down to pick it up, but I wasn't strong enough to do that. The boy from behind rushed over.

"Here, let me help."

I stood up and turned around to examine his face. He had blondish brown hair. Hazel eyes. And his body was sweaty and muscular. In other words, he was Matt.

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