Chapter 13.

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Shawn's P.O.V

Tess' s warm lips crashed against mine, and I felt her smile into my lips. I felt the sparks flying, and I just hoped she did too. We kissed for what seemed like forever, until she finally pulled away. I saw her turn her head to the left and her eyes widened. I turned my head too, confused, only to see my mom and sister, in complete shock on my porch. I felt my cheeks go red. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. "Uhhh, Hi, Mom? Hannah?" I faked a smile, trying to pretend nothing happened. "Ms.Mendes? Hannah?" Tess stood frozen, her mouth open. We all stood in awkward silence till I broke it. "Um, We should get going now." I nodded at Tess. "What? Oh, Um yeah, right. Of course, Ok." Tess stuttered on her words. "Bye guys!" I called to them. "Now hold on a minute." My mom turned to us. "Cant be late! Sorry!" I called and started jogging, Tess following slowly behind me. We left my confused mother and my giggling sister on my porch. I would have some explaining to do.

Tess's P.O.V

"Sooo." Shawn said awkwardly. I didnt answer. "Ummm." He peered a quick glance at me. "Oh ok." His smile fell when he knew I didnt want to talk. He couldnt help himself though. "Oh come on!" He stopped and jumped in front of me. "Say something!" He waved his arms around in frustration.  I took a deep breath. "You want me to say something?" I looked uo into his beautiful brown eyes. No Tess, Stop! STOP LIKING HIM. He nodded. "Fine. Ill say something." I paused to take in a deep breath. "That kiss didnt mean anything! I mean- It cant mean anything. As much as I want to like you, I cant. There cant be 'an us' because- because well, there just cant ok?" I was starting to tense up as his shoulders dropped in sadness and his smile faded in disbelief. "Tess. It ment something to me." He stared into my eyes like they were targets he was aiming for. Bulls eye. I sighed.  "Give me time to think." I told him. He put on a fake smile. "Ok." he nodded and ran off to school.


RINGGGGG! The lunch bell filled the school loudly. Finally. I gathered my stuff and headed out of the class. I was walking through the halls, when I bumped into a large figure. Cam. My stuff went flying all over the hall. He bent down to help me clean it up. "Sorry!" He said, throwing me an apologetic look. "Oh, Dont worry about it. Its-Its really my bad." I smiled at him. "So how'd things go last night?" He asked me. "Um, Okay?" I shrugged. He handed me the last of my stuff and we both stood up. He spread his arms wide open, asking for a hug. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Umm." I said awkwardly.  "I wont leave until you give me a hug!" He grinned, still holding his arms wide open. I giggled. "Cam, People are staring." I whispered to him. "Haters gonna hate." He shrugged. I laughed then slowly wnet in for his hug. He embraced me in his arms. I felt- safe? I pulldd myself in closer to him. You could smell just a hint of cologne on him, and my knees went weak, enhaling the beautiful smell. His body was warm, but not sweaty, and his arms were wrapped around my shoulders and waist. I tried pulling away but he resisted. "Not just yet." He whispered into my ear, sending shovers down my spine. I rested my head on his shoulder, and and pulled him in even closer. It felt so damn good. I pulled away from our hug, not wanting to. He smiled at me, flashing me his shiny white teeth. I grinned back. He grabbed my hand. "Come on." He gestured towards the cafeteria. I pulled away. "Hey. You sit with your crew, I'll sit with mine." I smiled. He looked like he was about to hesitate, but instead just nodded, releasing my hand.

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