Chapter 25.

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Tess's P.O.V

"Tess? Hey, Tess. Wake up sleepy head!" I heard Cameron's soft voice and felt his strong hands lightly shaking me. I mumbled and rolled around. Then I felt my face reach a bulge in Cams pants. "Um, Tess?" Cam tapped my shoulder. I bolted up, and hit my head on the top of the plane. Cam caught me in his arms and looked me in the eyes.

"Tess... Are you okay?" He laughed.

"What? Oh, yeah. Yeah totally. Oh, and sorry that my face was all you know-umm, where it was.." My cheeks burned red. 5 seconds ago, my face was resting on Cams dick.

"Oh, uhh. I don't mind. Don't even worry about it." He tried to sound as nice as possible.

"But, um, its time to get off the plane. Ready?" He asked and I already felt weak. I grabbed my bags and Cams hand, and we walked off the plane.

Cam's P.O.V

Tess was so beautiful. She reminded me of the Tess I used to know. The Tess the guys all bullied about a year ago. All of our lives changed. The guys felt terrible for what they did, and quit bullying people altogether. Then, we all started up this thing called vine. Which led to YouTube, which somehow led to this. Who knew 6 second videos could change lives.

Tess was such a peaceful sleeper, and I hated to wake her up... But we were here. "Tess? Hey, Tess. Wake up sleepy head!" I called into her ear queitly. She mumbled something and turned over. Her face rolled onto my dick, and my eyes widened. Now what? Of course, I didn't want to move her... But I had too.

"Um, Tess?" I tapped her shoulder and she shot up. I caught her, after she banged her head. She apolized and I asked if she was ready to get off the plane. She took a deep breath and grabbed her bags. Then, surprisingly, she reached out for my hand. I took it, but we didn't hold hands the couple way. Just friendly, I think? We waled outside and there was a taxi waiting for us. The rest of the guys had already arrived at the hotel, so it was just us left.

We opened the door to the Taxi, finding only one working seat.

"Yeah, don't sit there, the springs are broken. And not there, because it shifts sometimes." The old taxi driver instructed.

"You'll have to share a seat." He mumbled.

"Your kidding." Tess raised her eyebrows.

"Take it or leave it." He scoffed and Tess rolled her eyes. I didn't mind though. I took our bags and threw them in. Then I hopped onto the working seat, and patted my lap.

"Uh uh. No way." Tess folded her arms.

"Come on! I'm not that bad." I laughed and eventually she sat on top of my lap. I wrapped my arms around her for a seatbelt, and she relaxed into me. It felt so good, having her on me, and it was hard to just control myself. I like a girl that gives a bit of a challenge. To be honest, I just lCam d Tess.

Tess's P.O.V

I had to sit on Cams freaking lap in the taxi. I mean, I can't lie, I kind of wanted too... But I was mad at myself for wanting to. The taxi pulled into the hotel parking lot and I jumped out, as soon as it came to a comets stop.

"Whoah, slow down there Tess." Cam chuckled and paid the driver, then we grabbed our bags and headed to the the lobby. We walked in and the guys were all sitting there waiting. Come on Tess. They've changed. Just try no to look at them? Forget the past. Its in the past.

I took a deep breath and sat down on the couch beside Cam. He wrapped his arm around me, and I quietly unwrapped it.

"Ooooohh!" The guys dissed him in unison and we both blushed. Cam just laughed it off.

"Alright. They're are 3 rooms." Bart told us. "So of course we have to share. Now let's figure out who's going where?" Bart shrugged and we all nodded.

"You people choose amongst yourselves." Bart instructed and everyone began to chatter around me. I stopped listening after a while, and zoned myself out.

"Alright!" Bart announced, and I woke my brain up again.

"Taylor, Nash, Aaron. You share a room. Carter, Hayes, Jack, and Jack, you share another. And... Shawn, Tess, Cam and Matt. You share the last one." Some of us Gave big whoops, and some of us sat there awkwardly. Me existing in the second one of course. Cam, Matt, and Shawn. No no no, this can't happen.

"Alright then, go find your rooms. Good night everyone." He tossed one person from each group a room key and left the hotel. I queitly stood up and pressed the elevator button. "Hey Tess? I think I'll catch a ride up too." Matt walked over to me. The rest of the guys all shot their hands up and bolted to the elevator. But it was too late. Matt frantically pushed the close door button and it shut slowly right in front of their faces. Matt laughed a little them turned to face me. He stared at me for a moment and I remained quiet.

"I feel like I know you?" Matt cocked his head and I hid my face in my sweater.

"Hmm I knew this girl once. And she had the same name as you, even last. She even looks a bit like you." He laughed. "I know I'm probobaly wrong, so just forget I said that." He shook his head.

"So I guess were sharing a room?" He changed the subject and a sigh of relief left my mouth. I nodded.

"Cool." He turned forward and the elevator opened on a different floor. We saw the guys crowding around the rooms and we walked over. Nash's group went inside their room, and then Haye's went into their room too. That left us. Can unlocked the door with the room key, and we stepped inside. Their was one bathroom, a kitchen and living room area, and Two beds. Shoot. Two beds. I sat down on one of the beds and claimed a side. "I call sharing with Tess!" Cam shouted and tackled me on the bed. I managed to scramble out of his grasp when...

"No fair! I do!" From Matt. And...

"Oh no, I get to share the bed with her!" From Shawn. I giggled to myself.

"Fine. How bout we take turns?" Cam suggested. Shawn's shoulders relaxed and Matt nodded.

"Okay okay, well take turns. But only of I'm first." Matt negotiated.

"Aight. Okay." Shawn and Cam laughed and placed their stuff on the other bed. We all settled in when Hayes knocked on our door. "Hey! Wanna play truth or dare in our room?" He asked excitedly. The boys all whooped and pulled me along with them. Oh no.

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