Chapter 18.

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Ally's P.O.V

I woke up excited. I was giving Tess her make over today. I practically sprinted to her room. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" I laughed. She smiled and sat up. We looked at each other for about two seconds... And then we both started squealing. "Hurry up and get dressed." I poked her side playfully and she ran to her closet and flung it open. I've never seen Tess so happy about shopping. I shook my head and went back to my room to get dressed.

Tess's P.O.V

I chose a light purple T-Shirt, and some jean shorts. Luckily it was almost summer anyway. I grabbed a pair of runners and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I hope this plan to make me pretty works. I put on some simple mascara, and put my hair in a high pony. I ran downstairs and gulped down some cereal. "Ally!" I called up the stairs. "Coming! One sec!" Then she came thundering down the stairs, clutching her purse. "Mom said we could have some money. I called and asked." Ally explained. I nodded and she smiled. "Its in my purse and ready to go!" She laughed and grabbed a banana and yogurt drink. We were out the front door in record time. We jumped in her car and head off.

"Oh my gosh, isn't this just the cutest shirt ever?" Ally shrieked excitedly. I shrugged and she laughed. We had been at the mall for 2 hours and were clutching shopping bags full of gorgeous clothes. "Here. Try this. Andddd this. Ooh! And this!" She smiled and stacked clothes into my arms, then shoved me into a changing room stall. I pulled up the pair of faded jeans she had given me. They were pretty cute. I then slid on the crop top she gave me. My clothes drawers had never had a crop top in them before. It was just a simple black one that said, 'WANTED." in big white letters on it. Then I slipped on the pair of black flats she gave to me. I actually did look pretty hot. I smiled in satisfaction. I opened the stall door and Ally stood there grinning like a three year old with a two scoop of chocolate ice cream. "Well?" I turned around slowly and then faced her again. "You look absolutely gorgeous hun!" She pulled me into a hug. "Defiently a yes for that one!" She exclaimed. "Now hurry! There's a lot more to do!" She ushered me back into the change room. I quickly got changed and then we paid for the out fit. "C'mon, you have a hair appointment." She leaded me out of the store, and shoved me into this designer hair place, where she gets hers done. She handed me 100 dollars and my mouth dropped. I never knew hair cost that much. "I want to be surprised. Text me when your done. Otherwise I'll be at starbucks! Bye! Oh- And don't do anything stupid." She pointed her finger at me. Before I knew it, I was waiting in line for my hair to be done.

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