Chapter 19.

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Tess's P.O.V

"Tess?" A woman wearing a black flowy top, dark blue jeans, blue high heels, and a black apron called my name. I stood up and she smiled at me. "Right this way please." She led me out of the waiting area and sat me down in a black chair. She adjusted it to her height and stared at me through the mirror. She had short bleached blonde hair and green eyes.She looked to be in her late twenty's. "What would you like done today?" She asked cheerfully. "Umm. I'm not really sure." I answered honestly. She laughed. "Hmm.How bout we add some blonde highlights near the ends of your hair, like an ombre look? make your hair just a little shorter. Just a trim? Maybe add some layers?" She gently pulled my hair out of its pony, and examined it. "Sure. That sounds good." I shrugged. Currently, my hair was long brown and dark, really bland.
"Alright, so I'll just take you to the washing station." She led me to a chair with a head sink and set my head down carefully. She poured water on to my head, and then squirted shampoo onto her hand. She rubbed it into my hair and it felt very relaxing actually. Once it was all rinsed out, she put in the conditioner. Then after that was rinsed out, she put my hair up in a towel and sat me back down in the first chair from earlier. She pulled my hair out of the towel and started gently brushing it. She pulled my hair between her fingers and... Snip snip. My hair fell down to the ground in little clumps and she kept going. She wasn't cutting that much off so I felt relieved. She began adding layers and then paused. "Time for the blonde highlights?" She smiled at me and I nodded. "I'll be right back then." She left for a moment and soon returned with a small bowl with a hair dye mixture inside. She grabbed some tinfoil and put it in my hair. Then she painted the mixture on and wrapped the tinfoil up. She kept going and then she stepped back. "Now, we wait." She grinned. "Want anything? Hot chocolate, magazines, or anything that I can get you?" I smiled. I almost felt like saying "Yeah, how bout a time machine or something like that?" But I didn't. I bit my tongue. "Hot chocolate would be great." I said instead. She nodded and scampered off. Soon she returned with one hot chocolate with whipped cream piled high. "Alright." She handed me the hot chocolate and began unwrapping the tinfoil. She took it off slowly and smiled. "It turned out great!" She smiled and kept unwrapping. When she was done, she blew dry my hair. "Do you want me to curl it, or straighten it, or maybe put it in a certain style?" She suggested. "Sure. Could you... Curl it?" I asked. "Absouloutly!" She answered and pulled out her curling iron. She began twisting and curling my hair all around, and soon she was done. I sipped at my hot chocolate anxiously. "Alright, were all done!" She smiled and spun me around. My light brown hair had blonde highlights and was just a bit shorter. Plus, the curls made my hair feel so bouncy and free... If that makes sense. "Well?" She asked, excitement in her voice. "Its amazing! Oh my gosh, I love it!" I exclaimed. "Oh, good." She relaxed. "Thanks so much!" I said and got out of the chair. "No problem." She smiled and I went to pay. "That'll be $86.34." The man at the desk held out his hand. I handed him the $100. "The rest is a tip for the hairdresser." I explained and he smiled. I went outside and texted my sister.

'All done '

I sent the message and a couple seconds later she responded.

'Cool, I'm on my way! '

I smiled at my phone and waited. Then my sister showed up clutching two Starbucks cups. Her mouth dropped open and she fled towards me. "Oh my gosh! Tess, it looks great!" She blabbered on. I flipped my hair sassily and we giggled. She handed me my Starbucks drink and grinned. "Next stop, makeup!" She pumped a fist and scampered off to Sephora. I chased after her and then she pulled me inside the store. "Okay, so let's get black eyeliner, a couple eyeshadows, better mascara, lipgloss..." She paused to study my face. "Well, your skin is flawless so let's skip foundation or blush... And you probobaly don't need an eyebrow shader, you can just use mine. But, let's get tweezers, Definitely get tweezers." She stopped and smiled at me. "Now you just need, an eyelash curler, hair straightener, and curling iron." She picked all of the stuff up and tossed it into a basket. "Alright we should be good. Except.... Let's get ChapStick and moisturizer, just in case." She tossed those in too. "Okay. Now were good." My eyes widened. "I need all of that?" I asked. "Well no, definitely not all at once. I'm just getting what you need for like a long time." She went to the front desk. "And of course you can borrow my make up too." Why would I even need to, with all this? She paid and we ran out of Sephora. "Okay. Now let's take care of those nails." She stared at my hands in disapproval. She grabbed my hand and then we were in the nail salon. My sister had said my eyebrows were already pretty good, so I didn't need to get them done. Phew. "Alright, who's next?" A lady came out of the nails area. "This young lady." The man at the desk pointed to me. She smiled. "Come on then." She turned around the corner and I followed. She sat me down in the chair. After she was dome preparation and filing and all that she asked me "Now, what color would you like?"

The lady was just finishing up painting my nails red, and my ring finger black. "There.she finished and smiled. "Thanks so much!" I thanked her and went to see my sister. "Ooh, Pretty." Ally said and she nodded her head in approval, and then she paid. We left the nail place and then she rushed me to the next stop. Shoes. And then the next one, more clothes. And then she went and got me a gym membership. We were rushing around the mall, going from shop to shop to shop, when someone stopped me. My hair dresser lady. "Hi, Tess?" She said. I nodded. "Umm, yes?" I asked in confusion. "Well, my sister owns this model company and she's part of Victoria's Secret, and I do the hair there, well, I think you would be great there... If your interested that is?" She smiled at me. "Me?" I asked. "Yup." She said. "What about my sister?" I pointed to Ally. "We could probobaly get her in too, yep." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'd love too!" I said excitedly. "Great! Just call me for the details!" She handed me her card and then she was gone. This was my new beginning.

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