I felt my body began to slouch as I felt myself feel uncomfortable. My skin feeling like a thin layer was stopping the circulation. At that moment was when I realized how worthless I was. I laughed and held my head as I gripped my hair. Here I was thinking they would accept a quirk less teen.

I slid down the wall as I sat on the floor. My nose began to feel stuffy as I looked up at the ceiling. My vision now blurring as my emotions shifted. Its quite sad, really. I felt wet liquid flow down my cheeks. Everything is too complicated. I tried to stay as quiet as possible. Especially because Izuku had spent the night, after he had eaten a strand of my dads hair.
Flashback: to last night
"IZUKU CAN YOU STAY OVER TONIGHT!" I begged. I kneeled on the ground and continued to beg. He looked at the kitchen and stood there. I tried to get his attention, but he avoided my gaze. "Well I guess it's p-pretty late, so I guess I could stay for tonight," he mumbled. His eyes now looking down at his shoes.

I squeaked in victory. Yes, now I can force Izuku to wear some of my cosplays. I rubbed my hands in a evil manner and giggled. Izuku faced me and gave me a 'why the did I agree to this look' I grabbed his hand and lead him to my bedroom. I gave him a smirk and locked the door.

Im going to have so much fun, hehehe


I walked over towards the bed and sat down. She gave me a smirk and locked the door. A certain thought had came to my mind. My cheeks now burning as I diminished the idea. I played with my hair as I looked at the girl. "Y/N, whats with all the outfits in your hands?" I said nervously. I gestured to the stuff in her hands.

"Oh sweet Mochi-cheeks, you'll soon find out," she said slowly.


After I had forced Izuku to play dress up he
was now currently wearing a sailor Jupiter outfit. Man Izuku, you look more feminine then me. We decided to lay on my bed and talk about things. "So Izuku, what are you planning to do once you get into UA?" I asked. I placed my head on my palm as I waited for a response.

"I want to make new friends, who can help support me and my dream of becoming a hero," He gleamed. I felt this sudden pain in my heart. What is this feeling, is it jealously? "oh cool.." I responded. He nodded his head and continued to talk. Izuku I thought I was enough.

    I layed my head on his lap, the warmth making me feel sleepy. "Izuku, are you gonna be happy if you find new friends?" I continued. He moved his leg as he got in a comfortable position. I waited as I felt him stroke my hair.

"Yeah of course, I could find new people who get me and I won't be alone. I'll have someone who can understand me, someone who could go through the same pain I go through," he answered. I thought I was your best friend, I understand you, I never made you feel alone.

I quickly sat up and got off the bed. My sudden movements making Izuku confused. I looked towards the door and opened it, my back now facing Izuku. "You should get some sleep, afterall tomorrow is our last day before entrance exams," I explained. I walked out of my bedroom and made my way downstairs.

I guess I really am useless, no one even notices how much pain I'm in. Probably because I've become good at hiding my feelings from others. I'm always building people up, but no one ever tries to help me.

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