"Where" he let out a strangled cough when she squeezed tighter, "where did you get this?"

  "Guess you could say a friend of yours gave it to me" she informed, "she's not very fond of you." She tilted her head more towards his ear.

  "Sulpicia sends her regards" she taunted eliciting an angered yell from the vampire.

  "Yes" Aro repeated as he snapped out of his memory, "that'll have to be dealt with" he nodded to himself. "Is that all my dear?"

  "Oh I'm afraid not" Nixie pretended to be bummed as she kicked the floor innocently. "You see I've come to realize something."

  "And what's that" Caius smirked as he watched the protector for any odd movements.

  Nixie smiled at the oblivious vampires in front of her before continuing. "I've come to the realization that if I ever want to live a life without you lurking over my shoulders, I needed to do something."

  Both brothers sat up in their seats, Caius nodding towards Aro who in return snapped and soon every guard member in the castle was entering the room. Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix and many more stood around the outskirts of the room, cocky grins on all of them.

  Nixie chuckled at the group, head shaking as she gently slapped her own knee. "You see" she snapped pointing to the leader, "I knew you were gonna do that, thank you for making my life a lot easier."

  The vampires were confused, all staring at the protectress in confusion and anger. Aro was the one to notice it first, the small shimmer in Nixie's figure causing his eyes to widen.

  "You're not really here" he gaped, quickly standing from his seat and rushing down the steps towards her. His arm angrily swung forward but instead of colliding with flesh he was met with nothing but air.

"Amazing" Nixie deadpanned, "you say I'm not here and then proceed to try and behead my astral projection, for someone who's pretty old you're kinda dumb."

  "What did you do" he snarled, eyes frantically shooting around the room before he hurried to the door.

  "Oh I wouldn't do th-..." Nixie's sentence was cut short as Aro ripped them door open and before anyone could blink, a loud explosion rumbled the castle. The walls began to crumble and as another explosion went off large flames began to engulf the room they were in, the scorching fire blocking all the exits.

  "I told you not to do that" Nixie tutted as she listened to the screams of the vampires around her as they attempted to escape the burning room.

  "What have you done" Aro roared as he turned to face her.

  Nixie's form began to shimmer slightly more and she felt herself attempting to return to her body. She looked to the vampires who ruined her life, who killed her clan and tortured her father all those years. The vampires who singlehandedly killed thousands of innocent people and would probably never have stopped. She smiled at them, the innocent look on her face replaced by a malicious one, "karma."

  Aro let out an ear piercing yell before charging towards the protectress. He leapt towards her as he was blinded by anger and watched as her body slowly disappeared and he was left smacking the the harsh floor. He lied there for a second as the scared and pained screams of his guard echoed through his ears and he closed his eyes, the heat of the flames getting closer as he accepted his inevitable death.


  Nixie woke with a gasp as her astral body reentered her physical one. She sat up and met the stares of the 4 men that stood above her expectantly.

  Gale helped his sister stand, allowing her to lean onto him for support as she got used to being back in her body. "So" he trailed, biting his lip as his sister gave them a sad look.

  "I'm sorry" Nixie stated, head lowering so they couldn't see her face.

  Gale's head dropped in frustration, the hand not holding up his sister clenching.

  Stefan and Vladimir stared at the girl in front of them in sadness, they were so close.

  The last male lied his hand onto her shoulder and gave it a pat, "you tried your best child."

  "I'm sorry" Nixie repeated slowly lifting her head and revealing the grin she was hiding. "I'm sorry I'm a complete genius and our plan totally fucking worked!"

  Gale's head snapped to face his sister in shock, "it worked?!" He gripped her shoulder and shook her in excitement, "it worked?!"

  "Hell yeah it worked" Nixie cheered earning loud laughs from Stefan and Vladimir.

  "You are a sneaky one" Vladimir chuckled before pulling the protectress into a hug. "Thank you."

  "Yes" Stefan nodded, placing a hand on Nixie's shoulder in gratitude, "thank you." They all turned to face the last man in the room, patiently waiting to see his reaction.

  Marcus stared at the floor, guilt swarming his veins as he thought of his dead brothers but when he looked up towards the faces of the people in the room with him he nodded. "I'm tired" he stated, "I'm tired of living a lonely kings life. They may have been my brothers but their humanity died a long time ago."

  Nixie smiled sadly at the vampire before holding her hand out towards him, "we couldn't have done it without you" she admitted.

  Marcus didn't hesitate to shake the protectress' hand, "it's been an honor Mrs. Whitlock."

  Nixie smiled at his term, Marcus having been the only vampire in the Volturi who had been invited to the wedding. "Likewise Marcus, take care of yourself okay?"

  "Indeed" he nodded before bidding farewell to the rest of them and making his exit.

  "We shall be leaving too" Stefan informed the siblings as he slapped his hand onto Vlad's shoulder with a smile. "We have some castles to rebuild."

  Nixie hugged the vampires who had lost just as much as them, "see you around guys.

  "Farewells" Vladimir offered to her and Gale before they too left the room leaving the protectors to themselves.

  It was quiet between the two as they took seats on the couch of their old home.

  "Now what" Nixie quizzed as she looked towards her brother for answers.

  Gale turned towards his sister who had lost more than anyone else he knew. He placed his hand on her knee and smiled, "now we live."

**For those unaware, Sulpicia is Aro's wife!! Just an FYI in case you were confused on who gave Nixie the weapon that she was going to use to kill Aro.😌**

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