Love Will Remember You

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"To the well-organized mind,
death is but the next
great adventure."
                                -J.K. Rowling

Jasper stood alone, umbrella in one hand covering himself from the cold rain, and a bouquet of roses clenched between his fingers in the other. He stared at the headstone below him and crouched beside it. "I'm sorry" he mourned, reaching out towards the stone and placing his hand on it.

He allowed the umbrella to drop and accepted the feeling of the rain that soaked into his clothes, it was relaxing in a way. He reached his hand into his pocket, the feeling of a small box inside making his heart hurt. He took his hand out when he heard footsteps coming up from behind before someone placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up.

"What the hell are you doing standing in the rain?" Her voice rang, she reached down and picked up his dropped umbrella before holding it above both of their heads. "You okay?"

Jasper looked back towards the grave and placed the roses onto the freshly dug grass. "Yeah" he assured, standing up and turning towards the girl. "Just.. caught in the moment I guess."

"Well snap out of it Jazzy, it took me 25 minutes to find this damn flower in the meadow and I'll be damned if I wait another minute." The girl clenched the flower in her hand before crouching down in the spot Jasper had stood from. She smiled sadly at the roses before taking her one flower and placing it right in the spot under the name.

"What is it?" He asked, eyeing the dainty little flower as she set it down. She never told him what exactly it was she was looking for.

The girl caressed the stone once before standing up, "it's a Pixie flower."

Jasper smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist and bringing her into his side. "It's beautiful" he stated, placing a kiss on the crown of her head. "You ready to head out soon?"

Nixie's green eyes stared at the grave one more time, eyes traveling over the multiple flowers placed on top before nodding.

Jasper gave her a sad smile before speaking, "I'll meet you in the car okay? There's something I gotta do first." He watched his girlfriend nod before she headed back towards her Camaro and waiting for him inside.

Jasper reached into his pocket and grabbed the slightly crumpled paper from inside. Opening the folds and attempting to straighten them out the best he could before sliding it into a small frame he had stashed and placing it on the stone. He stepped back and admired it. His smiling face stared back, his mate grinning from her place next to him in the photo. "Figured you might like that" he mumbled, hand tightening around the box in his pocket before pulling that out as well.

He opened the lid and smiled at the diamond inside. "It would only be right, if I asked you for her hand before presenting this to her, but since I can't do that officially, I just want to tell you what I will do." He let out a small cough before starting the speech he had been practicing for the last week.

"I know our time together was short, and in that period neither of us got to see the others true side, but I feel like you already know mine. She means everything to me, and I know how much you meant to her and I promise that I will do everything in my power to make her feel loved. I will love her with every fiber of my being, and I will never allow her to feel alone. She's mourning you, and I feel as if she will try to fight the feelings as they overpower her. So I make it my duty to you, that I will cherish her. I will tell her how much I love her everyday, and I'll stop her from remembering her last moments with you, and help her remember the good ones you shared. I owe you my life, because without you I would never have met the woman I am undoubtedly in love with, that I will continue to be in love with until the day I die, even after. Thank you, for giving me everything I could've asked for in life."

Jasper closed the ring box and placed it back into his pocket, smiling one last time before heading towards the car his future fiancé was sat in.

The rain had stopped, sun peaking out from between the clouds for the first time in months and the single beam of light just so happened to shower upon the lonely grave. The words Axel Titus Dovers shining brightly as the wind blew tiny petals across the grass. Small little Pixie flowers littered the area around the grave and the birds sang in peaceful tune, creating an almost perfect picture.

** It totally slipped my mind that this was gonna be the last chapter of Eclipse, this book went so fast😭 I will be posting bonus chapters and a sneak peak at Breaking Dawn Part 1, STAY TUNED LOVES❤️ Thank you for all the support you guys showed me during the last books!!💕**

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