"I'm Sorry"

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  Nixie was knocked out cold on her bed in the motel. The girl had just gotten back after her argument with Jasper in the hospital when Bella called her freaking out. She went on about what Edward told her at the hospital and what she witnessed in the parking lot. Nixie felt bad for the girls cluelessness, but it wasn't her secret to tell. After listening to Bella rant for a good 2 hours, she'd told the girl she was tired and would see her at school the next day, before hanging up.

  And now here she was.

  She woke with a gasp. Turning her head towards the clock, Nixie read 3:05AM. It took her a minute to realize what exactly woke her from her slumber, but when she did her drowsiness was gone. The connection tingled slightly. Unlike in the parking lot, this time the connection wasn't as persistent, it wasn't warning her of Bella's oncoming death. This feeling was much more subtle, like a tickle.
  She sat up in her bed and sighed before closing her eyes and allowing the connection to reach out to her. Now that the bond between Nixie and Bella was stronger, the window to Bella's mind was easier to reach.

  Her eyes snapped open, the familiar blue hue swirling in them and she was no longer seeing her motel room.

  Darkness. That's what Nixie saw as she looked through Bella's eyes. She must've been sleeping.

  Then why the hell did the connection warn her?
  She was about to snap herself out when Bella's eyes finally opened. They blearily made their way around her room, passing a shadow that stood in the corner. Doing a double take Bella gasped.

  Nixie broke the connection. Throwing herself back into her sheets she lifted one of the pillows and slammed her face into it. She then proceeded to let out a muffled scream of frustration while flailing around the queen sized mattress.

  Edward Cullen. You fucking freak.

Bella wouldn't admit it, but she was actually excited to be at school that day. The new mystery that was Edward Cullen enticed her in more ways than one.

Nixie, on the other hand, was in a wretched mood. She stood next to Bella leaning against her truck with giant oversized sunglasses covering her eyes and a permanent scowl on her face.

When Bella had attempted to ask her what was wrong the angry girl just responded with a growl. So Bella left it alone. It was quiet between the two, that is, until Mike Newton made his way over.

Nixie ignored the conversation between Bella and Mike. She was far too tired to care about what they were talking about. After Edward's stalker moment last night, she was never able to fall back asleep. Instead she lied awake all night watching some sitcom on tv called "Dr.Sexy, M.D." So when the time finally came for her to go to school, she'd resented Edward even more and just tossed on oversized sunglasses to hide her lack of sleep. She couldn't however, hide her scowl and everyone had made sure to steer very clear of her when she pulled into the parking lot. Her argument with Jasper yesterday may have also put a damper on her already sour mood.

Snapping out of her tired haze, Nixie heard Bella attempting to weasel her way out of going to prom with Mike. Catching onto what Bella was too busy focusing on, Nixie spotted the Cullens. They stood in their usual formation and with the way their heads were turned and their not so subtle glances, Nixie knew they were listening. Grabbing Bella's arm and rescuing her from her awkward conversation she began to pull her towards the bus. The one that the Cullens weren't going to be on. As they made their way, Nixies sunglass covered eyes locked with Edwards. The girl sent him an over exaggerated smile, before flipping him the bird and entering the bus.
    **skipping the field trip**

  Nixie and Jasper still hadn't spoken since the argument at the hospital. She wanted to text him on multiple occasions but she'd lost her phone the day of the accident, Bella was the only one who had her new number. So instead she just ignored him the same way he was her, he didn't even acknowledge her in their AP Calc class anymore. She wasn't mad anymore, just hurt that he was unwilling to see past her decision to save Bella and move on.

  Her and Bella made their way through the lunch room towards their designated table.

  Eric noticed them first, "heyyy, La Push ladies, are you guys in?"

  Bella gave him a look, "should I even know what the means?"

  Mike laughed before explaining to the clueless girl that La Push was in fact a beach on the Quileute Rez.

  "La Push baby" Eric continued "it's La Pussshhh."

  Laughing, Bella finally gave in "okay, okay. I'll go if you stop saying that name." She glanced at Nixie and the rest followed suit. 

  Nixie avoided their eyes and instead searched for the ones she could feel staring at her. She made eye contact with Jasper, both holding the stare and refusing to look away. Nixie spoke, still holding the contact, "sure. Why not?" Jasper looked away.

*Later that day*

  Nixie made her way to her car after school. She'd told Bella she'd meet her at her house so they could drive her truck to La Push, there was no way she was taking the Camaro anywhere near the sand. She was staring down at her newly purchased phone until she reached her car and she spotted a pair of shoes. Following the shoes up over the persons legs and torso before resting her green orbs on the face of Jasper Hale.

  Jasper was nervous, to say the least. He almost squirmed under Nixie's expectant gaze, but he remained strong. Exhaling an unnecessary breath, he met her eyes before finally opening his mouth, "I'm sorry."

  An apology was the last thing Nixie expected to come out of the vampires mouth. Holding in her surprise she simply raised a brow and said "for?"

  Jasper could feel the corners of his mouth lift, hearing her tone. He scanned her face before reaching his hand out and grabbing hers. "I'm sorry for getting angry at you, especially because you saved your friend." He gave her hand a squeeze , "and I'm sorry for ignoring you. I just...you.. I mean-. He let out a sigh, freezing as Nixie's hands captured his face.

  She held Jasper's face in her hands, rubbing her thumbs along his cheeks. "It's okay Jasper." She sent him a breathtaking smile. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten so mad, you were just worried about me and I see that now."

  He searched her face, looking for any hints of a lie before letting the smile he was concealing finally form. God, what this woman did to him.

  Realizing she was still holding his face, Nixie let her arms drop to her sides before taking a small step back. Still sporting a small grin she whispered "I gotta go. I told Bella I'd meet her at her house around 5 minutes ago."

  Jasper didn't want her to go, especially to La Push, where the wolves resided. But after finally getting back in her good graces he figured he'd better not push his luck. So, with a nod he moved from the spot where he was leaning against her car.

  Nixie watched him move, as he went to walk around her she reached out her left hand, grabbing his wrist. When Jasper stopped to look at her, she used her other hand to cradle his face before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

  He watched her get into her car and drive away, the feeling of her lips still lingering on his cheek.

**Finally these filler chapters are almost over and we can get to the actual fun stuff, yAY! Also, I can't wait to write Jasper and Nixie's first actual kiss scene, I have the perfect idea for it.**

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