Bonus Chapter #8

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"You will never
understand the damage
you did to someone until
the same thing is done
to you. That's why
I'm here."

The Dovers siblings sat side by side, arms crossed with their lips pursed staring at the cell phone in front of them.

"You do it" Gale urged pushing the phone towards his sister, "it was your idea."

"So" Nixie short retorted, shoving the phone back towards him, "you're the older brother."

"And it was your idea" he repeated, picking up the phone and slamming it into her open palm.

Nixie let out a defeated groan before begrudgingly lifting the phone and dialing. She lifted it to her ear, sighing as it rang a few times before it suddenly cut off as the call was answered.

"My my" the male on the other end taunted, "what a pleasant surprise Mrs.Nixie."

The protectress shot her brother a glare as he made a motion to start talking. Her head tilted back in defeat before she cleared her throat, "Stefan, hey, listen.. Gale and I could use yours and Vlad's help with something. You in?"

The line was silent for a few seconds before a hearty laugh left the man's mouth, "see you soon love" and the line went dead.

"See that wasn't so bad" Gale scoffed at his sisters ability to overreact, completely denying that he did the same.

Nixie stared at her brother before kicking her leg out at his chair and sending him straight to the ground, "shut up."

Gale groaned from his spot on the floor, "devil child."


  Nixie's heels travelled soundlessly throughout the halls of the castle, hair tied back and smile etched on her face. She came up to the door, dusting off an dirt from her clothes before pushing the doors open and instantly attracting the attention of the 2 vampires on their thrones.

  "Ahh" Aro gasped with a smile, "what an incredible pleasure to be graced by your presence again Miss Dovers."

  Nixie sent the brothers an exaggerated smile, eyes ghosting over the empty seat on the end but she didn't react.

  Caius had the exact opposite reaction, "what are you doing here" he frowned in anger, this protectress caused them nothing but issues.

  "I figured I'd come and tell you this in person instead of in a letter" Nixie informed, "wouldn't quite have the same affect."

  Aro sat back in his chair with a grin, "well do go on my dear."

  Instead of speaking, the vampires watched as the protector gripped the necklace around her neck and pulled it off. Aro glared at the familiar weapon that he witnessed kill him, he shuffled in his seat as she stepped towards them.

  "Thought you might want this" Nixie smiled as she placed the artifact on the steps in front of her.

  "Yes" Aro snarled, "it's very much appreciated, thank you." His red eyes glared into her bright green and he felt the memories of that day resurface.

Her bloody lips leaned closer to his ear, grip tightening around his neck causing him to release a gasp. "I've waited a long time for this" she whispered, her chuckles echoing in his head.

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