Mommy Issues

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"Isn't it funny that you become the
'never leave you' kinda person
after being left behind

  Nixie's eyes never strayed from Garrett, fingers tapping against her thigh as she waited for him to speak. It was quiet for a few before Garret cleared his throat and met her stare.

  "Your mother.. I never would've guessed, she didn't tell me...."

  Nixie's patience was running thin and she wanted answers, now. Taking a step closer to the gobsmacked vampire she shoved her finger in his face, "hey! Snap out of it, tell me how the hell you know my mother."

  Garrett stared at the raven haired beauty in front of him before gulping, "I met your mother when she was passing through London about 17 years ago, didn't know she was your mother at the time obviously. She never mentioned having children."

  "Well that's not surprising" Nixie scoffed, "my deadbeat mother didn't want us to begin with, can't imagine her going around and bragging about the family she abandoned." She scratched her head, she'd be lying if she didn't say she thought her mother had died or something. As bad as it is to say, she'd rather her be dead, then she'd have an excuse not to come back and see her kids. "What was she doing?"

  Garrett gave the girl in front of him a sad look, speaking his next words with difficulty, "she said she was just passing through, seeing the world she'd be so neglected of. She had spirit, I guess that's what caught my eye."

  "You had a thing for my mother" Nixie deadpanned, eye twitching as she attempted not to rip her own hair out in pure rage.

  Garrett let out a chuckle, "no, don't get me wrong, your mother was beautiful and she was snarky, a lot like you in that department. But she only wanted one thing and once I gave it to her she left without a word, I never saw her again after that."

  Any feelings Nixie had harbored for her mother had vanished, this woman abandoned her family. Left behind 2 kids, a husband and a whole clan that cared for her, for what? To travel the world, see things she'd never seen before? What a.. what a fucking bitch. Nixie's teeth were beginning to hurt from how hard she was clenching her jaw, eyes narrowing as she spoke, "what did you give her?"

  "The only thing I had to offer" Garrett shrugged, "the only thing she wanted.. eternal life."

  It was dead silent as Garrett stared at the ticking time bomb across from him, he noticed the color building in Nixie's face and took a step back. Her body shook as she stood there, eyes narrowed with her fists clenched at her sides.

  Nixie shook her head at the newfound information, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth until chuckles started to escape. Her chuckles turned to full blown maniacal laughter before she wiped her tears away and let out a sigh. "My whore of a mother, left us to be a vampire." She let out another giggle, "oh this is just too good! God, just when I thought she couldn't get any worse! Let me guess, you turned her because she promised you something but disappeared before fulfilling her end of the bargain."

  Garrett's face gave it all away and Nixie patted his shoulder condescendingly with a grin, "oh you poor poor soul, don't worry, it wasn't you. Nadia has trouble with commitment if you couldn't tell."

  "I turned her and she fled as soon as she woke up, I never saw her again after that and I had forgotten about her until I saw your markings. She had ones just like yours" Garrett admitted, "I'm guessing it's a protector thing. Listen Nixie, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to open old wounds."

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