Let's Go Home

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all the love you've
given away,
will find it's way
back to you,
and it will finally

  Nixie leaned against the wall, eyes inspecting the room she was in, it was nice. The wooden floor corresponded nicely with the tan walls, and the bay window only added to the simple elegance. She held a small blue box in her hand, the old crushed one having been replaced. She smiled when she heard the front door open.

  Jasper made his way inside the house his family was staying in, noting that it was completely empty and the furniture was covered in plastic wrap. What the hell? Did they leave? He closed the door and traveled further in, all the lights were off and his family's belongings were missing. He reached the kitchen, turning the light on and gasping at the person standing at the end of the counter. "Nixie?"

  Nixie smiled at her mate, placing the box into the counter and making her way over to him.

  Jasper felt like he was dreaming, he watched the raven haired beauty make her way towards him and he let out a breath. By the time she was standing in front of him he felt like he was gonna collapse. Slowly reaching his hand up, he touched her face, "it really is you" he breathed. His hand slid from her cheek to the back of her neck before he pulled her forward, capturing her in a tight hug. "You're here."

  "I'm here" she soothed, running her hands through his hair as he tried to make sense of it all. Alice had told her about her vision of Jasper making a trip back to their abandoned house seeing as how he had been absent through all the drama and had no idea it even happened. She figured she'd surprise him, and ya know, let him know she wasn't dead.

  "How are you here right now?" He asked, "Alice told me you were dead Nixie. What's going on?" He didn't dare let her go, only letting her step out of the hug but not releasing her hand and keeping her in close contact.

  "It doesn't matter" Nixie spoke, "all that matters is I'm here now. And I'm gonna take you home."

  "Home?" Jasper's childlike eyes almost brought tears to Nixie's.

  "Yeah Jas, home." She smiled at the vampire before remembering something. "Oh!" She exclaimed, dragging him to the other side of the counter where the box lay. "Here" she whispered, placing the small blue box into Jasper's hand.

  He gave her a confused look, taking the box and giving it a small shake.

  "Don't do that" Nixie laughed, stopping his hands. "It's your birthday present, I never got to give it to you so I figured now's the perfect time."

  Jasper felt his heart clench at her words, guilt filling him as he stared down at the blue box. He lifted his other hand and untied the small bow Nixie wrapped around it. He let the ribbon fall to the floor before opening the lid and letting out a choked cough.

  There, in the small blue box was a gold medallion. Not just any gold medallion though, this one was labeled Republic of Texas Army. Jasper ran his fingers over the engraving before flipping it over. The names of his unit were all engraved in the back and he felt tears form. "How did you get this" he choked, refusing to look up and let Nixie see his watery eyes.

  Nixie smiled, proud of the gift she was able to get him. Last year, Nixie took a little trip to the town in Texas that Jasper lived as a human. It was there that she came across a museum that held all types of different artifacts from the Civil War days. She noticed the gold medallion sitting in a glass case, the article next to it explaining how the one and only Jasper Whitlock, youngest Major in the Texas Calvary had went MIA before being able to accept his medal of honor. Nixie hadn't thought twice before swiping the priceless medal and running when the guards had noticed.

  "Don't you worry about that now" she teased, nudging her shoulder against his and forcing a laugh out of him.

  "Nixie.... I don't even know what to say. There's nothing I can say. Thank you" his eyes met hers. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me.. I just... I don't.." Jasper groaned as he was unable to form the proper words to thank her. He stared at the medal for a few seconds before placing it on to the counter and meeting her eyes.

  "What" she asked, noticing the intense look he was giving her. She was caught by surprise when his hands latched in her hair and he pulled her forward, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss.

  Jasper swore he felt his undead heart beat as his lips met hers, the familiar sensation causing shivers to travel up his spine. He put everything he had into the kiss, his pain, his guilt, his love, everything. He backed her into the counter as the kiss grew hungrier.

  Nixie didn't oppose, kissing back with equal intensity, trying to overpower Jasper's feeling of guilt with her love. She felt her back smack the counter and let out a gasp as the cold marble met her skin.

  Jasper placed his hands under her thighs, squeezing them before lifting her onto the countertop, never once breaking the kiss. He happily obliged her unspoken command to come closer when she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Nixie was running out of oxygen, with one last tug in Jasper's hair, sighing at the sound of his growl, she detached her lips from his. Her heavy breaths fanned his face as his eyes stared hungrily at her swollen lips and his thumb traced her bottom one.

  It was quiet for a minute, the only sound being Nixie's ragged breathing and her heart that was almost beating out of her chest.

  She'd almost forgot what that felt like, the feeling she got when he kissed her. She continued to run her hands through his hair, admiring it's new length.

  Jasper closed his eyes, letting her fingers sooth his scalp as he let his head rest on her thighs. He missed her so much, the thought of ever losing her again caused him the tighten his hold around her waist and lift her from the counter, placing her back onto the floor in front of him. His fingers brushed the fallen strands of hair from her eyes and he cradled her face in his hands. His eyes searched hers, looking for anything that would alert him that this wasn't real. He smiled when all he caught sight of were the bright green eyes he had missed so much. "I love you" he whispered, smiling when she rested the side of her face in his hand.

  Nixie placed a kiss on his palm, burrowing into his cold. "I love you too" she swore, giggling at his love struck expression. "C'mon" she chuckled, reaching her hand out for him to grab and tangling their fingers together. "Lets go home."

  Jasper gave her a smile, grabbing his present before taking his place in front of her, "let's go home" he echoed.

  The couple stood together for a moment before they both disappeared, leaving nothing but a small blue cloud behind.
  The 3 ancient vampires sat on their thrones, still relishing at the events that recently happened.

  The blonde spoke first, "so" he drawled, capturing the attention of his eldest brother, red eyes meeting his own. "Do you think they'll do it?"

  The middle one smiled, his red eyes gleaming, "there is no doubt in my mind brother, that Isabella Swan will become one of us."

  "What of the other" the sullen brother quizzed, eyes drooping when his brothers gave him evil grins.

  "Ah yes" the leader cried, "the protectress."

  "I thought we had dealt with them" the blonde snarled, clenching the arms of his chair.

  The eldest continued to giggle, "it seems we may have missed one" he admitted, "but have no fear brothers, we shall dispose of her just as we did with the rest of her kind."

  The blonde brother laughed, eyes crinkling from the mischievous smile that formed. "Good" he spat.

  The 2 brothers laughed together while the 3rd simply stared ahead, listening as his brothers formed their diabolical scheme.

**Andddddd it's over😭 New Moon has officially ended and I admit it could've been better but I'm still proud of my take on it! Just as before I might write bonus chapters and a sneak peak at the next book if I get inspiration! Thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoyed Nixie's adventures in New Moon!! Stay tuned for Eclipse❤️❤️**

Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora