Bonus Chapter #4

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  "Grief can be a burden,
but also an anchor. You
get used to the weight,
how it holds you in place."
                                    -Sarah Dessen

  "Can I ask you something?" Nixie's voice spoke, breaking the peaceful silence between her and the boy next to her.

Jacob looked up at her, eyes scanning her face and her slightly darker than usual eyes. They sat on the edge of the cliff, legs dangling over the ledge and waves crashing beneath them. When she had asked him to meet her there, he was confused, but looking at her now, he knew why. She was lonely and even while she was constantly surrounded by her boyfriend and others, the void inside still couldn't be filled without that one person she so desperately craved to see. "Sure" he nodded, signaling her to continue.

"Why do you do it?" She quizzed, "I mean this with complete sensitivity, but why do you chase after Bella when you know she's only ever going to pick Edward?"

Jake didn't take any offense to her question, knowing she was just trying to understand. He shrugged, "I love her." It was that simple.

Nixie smiled sadly at the water beneath them, "but why try so hard, for someone who isn't even your imprint? Who isn't the one fate decided for you?"

He thought about her question, seeing her point, but also seeing how she was missing his. "What happens if I don't ever find my imprint? Then what?"

"But what happens if you do?" She countered, "why are you putting yourself through all this pain, all this suffering if you know that there's someone out there waiting for you to come into their life? You're putting all your time and effort into this girl, who can never love you the way you love her because she has someone else."

Nixie felt bad for Jake, she really did, but why couldn't he just accept the fact that Bella was destined to be with Edward? Why doesn't he try to find someone else, anyone else?

"I guess a small part of me thinks that she loves me back, and it's that part of me that refuses to give up. You don't give up on love, you can't stop believing it otherwise you have nothing."

"Life is too cruel, if we seize to believe in love, why would we want to exist" she quoted, chuckling softly.

"Where'd you hear that" Jake asked, seeing the almost fond look in her eyes that was very rare lately.

"An old friend" Nixie answered.

"Sounds to me like this old friend was a bit of a sap" he joked, eyes brightening when she let out a genuine laugh.

"Oh believe me" she chortled, "she was anything but a sap."

Jake chuckled before getting serious, "how're doin Nix? And don't say you're fine, because you wouldn't be sitting here on the edge of a cliff, with me of all people if you were."

"Hey" she argued, "I like hanging out with you!"
She saw the look he gave her and she sighed, "okay fine. I uhh, I've been better" she admitted.

Jake gave her a sad look before tossing his arm over her shoulder and pulling her to him. "It's okay to not be okay Nixie, you of all people deserve to be able to grieve. Don't beat yourself up."

"See, but that's just it Jake. I'm not grieving, I've had years to grieve over my father when I thought he was dead. Yes, this is different, but losing my father isn't why I've been so distant from everyone." Nixie clenched her fists, the familiar feeling of anger burning in her chest.

"Then what's up Nix? You can tell me, trust me if anyone understands your feelings it's me." Jake saw her eyes squint and he didn't know if he had said something wrong of if she was thinking of something that pissed her off.

"My father died years ago, at least in my mind he did. And then suddenly, he shows up. This "man" shows up, and he was not my father! He comes out of nowhere, during a vampire war against the Cullens, and he came for me, not them. Jake, the Cullens may not see it, but I do. Someone's after me, and I know exactly who it is." Nixie stood from her spot, pacing along the edge causing Jacob to stand as well.

"Who is it Nix?" He placed his hands on her shoulders to get her to stop pacing, "who's after you?"

"I didn't realize it at first, but I think I've always subconsciously known."
The bloodcurdling screams pierced her ears at such intensity she flinched, clenching her eyes shut. What's going on? She blinked once...twice..finally her senses were starting to return and the memories flashed behind her clenched eyelids. The ceremony, the cheers, smiles, screams, piercing red eyes and then heat, scorching heat.
Nixie studied their faces before resting her eyes back on Aro. He was creepy for sure, with his defined widows peak and extremely wide red eyes, she could tell he wasn't someone to be messed with. She couldn't take her eyes off of him though, something about him was bugging her. Shrugging it off as him just being creepy, she turned back to the couple. "Alright well while you guys bond I guess I should go meet Jas downstairs before he comes back for me" placing her hand on Edward's shoulder she gave it a squeeze before making her way out.
Black smoke traveled over the field, targeting the clan, all except Nixie, Jasper and Axel. Red eyes stared from behind the trees, smirking as the Cullens' senses were taken.
"The Volturi" Nixie breathed, watching as Jake's eyes widened. "They're the ones that killed my family, my clan, they killed everyone. They're the ones who took my father, his dead body was never found because they had him that whole time. They're not coming for the Cullens, Jake. They're coming for me."

**Just a cute little filler😊😉 Also, Happy Holidays everyone❤️**

Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora