A Decisions Been Made

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"I will
look at you
across any room
and think
you are the most
beautiful person
I've ever seen
for as long
as I breathe."
                         -a.r. asher

The 5 vampires stood on the rooftop, watching as their kind ravaged the alleyway beneath them. They watched the supposed leader reprimand his "children", and the small blonde girl smirked.

"They've already drawn too much attention" the one on the end, Demetri, spoke. His eyes glared at the baby vampires, disgusted by their lack of self preservation.

"So has our inaction" Felix countered, hinting to the others that he believed they should step in. "Others may begin to question the Volturi's effectiveness."

They all looked to Jane, waiting for her opinion. Her lip curled, "let them."

Felix shook his head, turning around and walking away before facing them once more with more conviction. "Maybe we should consult with Aro." He instantly regretted his words when his back bent backwards unwillingly and he let out a pained grunt.

Jane smiled, "Aro's decisions are being watched. We must decide." She felt her brother lay his hand on her shoulder, "then decided sister. It's time."

Her red eyes travelled from each member of the group, stopping on a specific set, "Axel" she breathed, smiling at the man. His head snapped towards her, "what do you think" she quizzed.

The older male let his eyes wonder around, taking in the scene in front of him. Something felt wrong, like he was supposed to stop this, like he wanted to stop it. But all he could do was throw a lazy smirk towards his master and say, "let them deal with it themselves, Aro will be most pleased when the Cullen Clan is wiped and we can bring him the ones he desires."

Jane smirked at his words, finally after countless days of physical and mental torture, she had managed to break through his little mind barrier. The poor sack didn't even know his own name when she was done with him, let alone anything else about himself. All he knew now was that apparently Jane saved him from death and to repay her, he had devoted the rest of his immortal life to serving her as a guard.

  "Good choice" she praised, stopping them as they went to leave. "Of course, you won't be coming with us Axel." They stared at her, wondering what she was getting at. She continued, "you'll be joining them, this way if the Cullens do by some chance get the upper hand, you will be the backup. Just to make sure things go as they're meant to."

  Axel's eyes widened, "what? But Jane, I'm not a newborn, I won't fit in with them!"

  She rolled her eyes, "if you hadn't noticed dear Axel, these baby vampires haven't got the littlest clue about anything other than their hunger. Just get in there, and like the good little soldier I know you are, adapt and overcome." She said nothing else, patting his shoulder and turning away, "let's go gentleman."

The other 3 followed behind her as Axel stayed in the roof, sighing as they left his sight and planning how he was going to join their little army without getting caught.


  Nixie sat in the row of students, sporting her hideous yellow cap and gown but smiling nonetheless. She watched Jessica stand at the podium, her speech just beginning.

"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or in my case, a princess."

Nixie chuckled, thinking back to her childhood and the many knife fights and guns she shot growing up. What a childhood, but she wouldn't have had it any other way.

Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora