Something Wicked This Way Comes

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"By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes."
                        -William Shakespeare

  "You're not coming with us?" Riley asked, jaw set as Victoria circled him.

  She gave him her best innocent look, "it'll be a last minute decision" she assured. "I told you how it works."

  "The Cullens have.. powers" Riley chuckled, turning towards the woman he thought was his mate.

  "Don't underestimate them, Riley" she warned. "You'll have the numbers, but they'll be able to anticipate your every move."

  Riley rolled his eyes, "according to your friend. What about Axel? Why is he staying back as well, send him in and I'll stay with you!"

  Victoria felt her temper rise and she had to prevent herself from ripping his whiny little head off. "Yes" she grounded, "my dead friend. And Axel is staying back because the Cullens don't know about him yet, it'll be a surprise. I don't know what he wants with that little tattooed bitch, but as long as he can get her out of the way, Riley we can win this."

  "What is she?" He quizzed, always hearing about this girl who manages to overpower them without even being a vampire.

  "I don't know" she admitted, "but she's strong. Stronger than them and she always seems to know what you're going to do before even you do. She's a problem, and Axel will solve it for us, which is why we need him to stay hidden until it's time."

  Riley thought for a moment before speaking, "maybe your friend was wrong. I mean, this is supposed to be Cullen territory. We've been tearing it up and I've never even seen them here." He brushed his nose against her cheek as he spoke.

  "You don't trust me" Victoria sulked, her acting skills making Riley take a step back.

  "With my life" he retorted, "I'm just saying..."

  "I'm doing this for us" she insisted, cutting him off mid sentence. "So that we can feed without their retaliation. I-I can't live in fear anymore, waiting for them to attack."

  Riley's lip curled at her words, "I won't let them" he growled. "I am going to end the Cullen clan. I swear."

  Victoria smirked at his words, bringing him into a heated kiss before he could notice the glint in her eyes. "I love you so much" she whispered against his lips. She felt Riley tilt her head and latch his lips onto her neck. Her beady eyes met another pair of red ones across the parking lot and she felt her smirk return.

  Axel watched the couple from his place, narrowing his eyes on the redheaded tramp. He knew she was lying, about everything, this wasn't about fear. This was about revenge, the Cullens did something to her and she was using them to fight back. He would never confront her though, Riley was too far up Victoria's ass, if he felt threatened by Axel in any way, he'd send the newborns on him. He wanted this war to be over already, so he could kill the damn girl that's been causing his master so many problems and finally be done with it.

  He thought of the dark haired girl, placing his hand in his pocket and pulling out a folded photo. He studied the picture, once again ignoring the blonde male and instead focusing entirely on the female. Her tattoos stood out greatly against her skin, his eyes darting over the ink designs while thinking of his own arms that consisted of the same markings under his jacket. He didn't know what they meant, but he knew to keep them hidden from Victoria and Riley, they'd be too curious. His eyes studied her green ones and he felt his head begin to ache. The force becoming almost unbearable as he gripped his head. Phoenix. The pain went away, Axel letting out an unnecessary breath from the peace.

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