"You Weren't Supposed to Leave Me"

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"In the wake of a
sudden death,
"normal" ceases to
exist. -I wasn't ready
to say goodbye."

  A loud gasp echoed through the quiet air, the raven haired girl hastily sitting up from the spot she was laying. Her green eyes studied her surroundings, the trees towering over her were eerie and unfamiliar and she felt her breath catch when something sped past one of them.

  "Hello?" Nixie's voice rang while she stood from the ground. She instinctively reached for her wrist, the feeling of Wanda always being a comfort but she let out a breath when she felt nothing. Looking down Nixie noticed her trusty whip was missing and that's when she caught a glimpse at her arms.

  "What the hell" she breathed, turning her arms over and gaping at the naked skin. Her runes were gone, every last one of them that coated her arms and chest were nowhere in sight.

  "Weird isn't it?" Nixie let out a strangled choking sound as she whipped around to face to voice. Her eyes had trouble focusing on the person due to the dark atmosphere but they took a step closer, allowing the protectress to get a good look at them.

  The woman was older, hair naturally curly with dark brown eyes and a knowing smile painted on her lips.

  Nixie's eyes narrowed at the stranger, "who the hell are you? Where the hell am I? What-?" Her questions were cut off by the older woman's chuckles but Nixie couldn't find it in herself to reciprocate the action. Her mind flashed to the last thing she remembered, Bella giving birth, Jasper's I love you and then Bella... Bella died! Oh my God Bella's dead! HOLY SHIT AM I DEAD?

  As if sensing her internal panic the woman held her arms up in a calming notion, "now now Nixie, this ain't no time to panic."

  Nixie's breaths came out in quick huffs, her chest tightening in an uncomfortable way as her mild panic turned into a full blown anxiety attack. She blinked a few times before finally catching the woman's words, any signs of worry instantly fleeing as she grounded her teeth. "How the hell do you know my name?"

  "That's not important right now child, now you gonna sit here all night wallowing or you gonna let me help you get outta here?" The woman raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner as Nixie gave her a mistrusting look. Shrugging her shoulders in response she turned around, walking a few steps before.. "wait!"

  Nixie teetered from one foot to the other before letting out a defeated groan and jogging to catch up to the woman. "You said you can get me out of here?"

  "Mhmmm" she hummed, glancing towards Nixie before facing forward again. "That I can."

  "Well that's great" Nixie deadpanned, "but where exactly is here?" Her green eyes traveled from tree to tree as they walked, watching shadows peak around before hiding when they caught her looking causing her to shudder. What the hell is this place?

  "This is where you go when you die" the woman informed, stepping over a log and finally exiting the creepy forest.

  "This is where we go when we die?" Nixie barked, "this place looks like eternal damnation, what the-is that a bar?!"

  The woman's chuckles echoed through the lonely street, the lights above flickering before settling. "Let me rephrase, this is where the supernaturals come when they die who have unfinished business with the living."

  "Oh great" Nixie pouted, "spend 17 years training, lay my life on the line for people I've just met, never get to live my own life and this is what I'm blessed with. An uneventful death and a trip to some mediocre bar in a town I've never heard of. Joy oh happy day."

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