Ice Cream Date

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"There's always
    something coming,
good or bad.
It's gonna force you
to grow."
  The rain poured down on it's victims, people scrambling to escape the cold and attempting to stay dry. All except one, the dark haired girl skipped down the sidewalk embracing the water the skies blessed her with. Her clothes were soaked and sticking to her skin and her hair was heavy from the water it was holding but she couldn't find it in herself to care.

She turned down the dark alleyway, inhaling the smell of the rain but pausing when something metallic hit her senses. Her smile fell and she slowed her pace, cautiously approaching the area the smell was coming from.

She reached the docks but she didn't see anything. She almost thought her nose was playing a trick on her until she caught sight of a dark substance puddled on the cement. She crouched next to the puddle, sticking her fingers in it before raising her hand to inspect them. Blood. It was fresh too, it couldn't have been there too long for the rain would've washed it away. She wiped the red substance on her pants before standing back up, glancing around to see if she saw anything else. When she realized nothing more was popping up, she hurried back to the main road and hauled herself taxi.

With one last look at the place she was leaving, the protector swore she saw a flash of red by the water but when she blinked it disappeared. Shaking her head, she instructed the driver on where to take her and sat back listening to the music flowing through the speakers. Something was coming.
"So wait" Nixie quizzed, "why do I have to come with you to apologize to Jacob? I did nothing wrong."

Bella sighed for about the fifth time, "Nix, I know you didn't do anything, you tell me every time I ask, but I feel weird going alone and.." Bella paused, not knowing how to say it without sounding like an asshole.

"And you can't ask Eddy" Nixie finished, slouching in her seat, "glad to know where I lie on the Bella Swan food chain" she grumbled, staring out the window as her best friend began sputtering.

"N-no! Nixie that's not what I meant, please, I asked you because you're close with the wolves" she tried to correct her friends allegation.

"Bella" Nixie sighed, "I love you and if you wanna use me for my ties to the pack, then just man up and say it."

Bella let her head drop onto her steering wheel, smacking her forehead against it a couple times and groaning. "Fine, I wanted you to come along because I don't think the wolves like me and with you around I'll be able to speak to Jake alone" she admitted.

Nixie stared at her best friend for a few seconds before grinning, "okay, cool then what the hell are we waiting for let's go!"

Bella stared at her protector in shock, "that's it?" She asked skeptically, "I tell you I was using you and you're just okay with that?"

Nixie snorted, "I just wanted you to grow some balls and tell me yourself. Plus, I use you all the time."

"What do you use me for?!" Bella choked, trying to think of anything she had that Nixie couldn't get or didn't already have herself.

"Whenever you piss me off I just tell Charlie about it and he takes me out for ice cream" she shrugged. "Sometimes if I pretend to tear up he gets me 2 scoops and gives me half of your allowance."

Bella sat there frozen, she knew her dad was hiding something from her. Every time she saw the man his face turned red and he scurried away before she could confront him. Shaking her head she let out a disbelieving laugh before sticking her key in her truck ignition. She turned it a few times, listening to the engine sputter before it gave up and refused to start.

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