Life With You

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  Jasper exited his car after Nixie, who had literally flung herself out before it had even come to a full stop. You could see the tenseness in her shoulders and in the way she was clenching her hands to her sides, she trying not to explode. He had just gotten off the phone with Edward, who was heading towards their house where they'd meet with them after Nixie grabbed what she needed. He followed his girlfriend to the trunk of her Camaro before watching her open it. His eyes widened.

  Every weapon you could possibly think off was stocked in the back of her car. Ranging from guns, stakes, iron rods and a shit ton of books with weird sigils carved into the covers, you name it, it was in there. "Babe" he voiced, mouth dropping at the sight before him, "what is all this stuff?" He'd never seen anything like it in his 160 odd years of living.

  Any other time Nixie would've been ecstatic to teach Jasper about all the other species she'd encountered and the different weapons to use against them, but Bella was in danger and there was just no time. "I'll tell ya later Jas, I'm just grabbing one thing and we have to head to your house. I need to be with Bella." Nixie's eyes scanned her trunk looking for the specific weapon she had hidden for such an occasion. "Ah ha!" She reached under her 12 gauge, spotting the gold pistol who's handle was sticking out just enough to catch her eye. She smiled at the weapon before showing it to Jasper.

  Jasper stared at her, did she not realize that his kind was bullet proof? What was this tiny gun going to do to a vampire like James? He let out a small cough, "uhh, Nix. What's that for?"

  Nixie rolled her eyes with a small smile, she knew Jasper was trying to be nice when in reality he thought she was an idiot. Contrary to popular belief, Nixie knew exactly what she was doing and hopefully she'd find James and be able to show Jasper just how useful this gun was. She closed the trunk and tucked the pistol in her pant-line before covering it with her shirt, hiding any evidence that it was there. "C'mon, we gotta head back before Edward and Bella take off." She raced back to Jasper's car and hopped in while he trailed behind still confused on the point of stopping for the supposed weapon to keep them alive that ended up being a gun.
  By the time Nixie and Jasper had made it to the Cullens', Laurent was making his way out of the front door. He eyed the 2, the dark skinned nomad had no idea was Nixie was but he was almost positive she wasn't just a regular human. Although he told Carlisle it wasn't his fight, he feared the fate of his comrade if he decided to take her on. He could tell by the way she carried herself, that if her and James ended up fighting, there's no doubt that she'd come out on top. He gave them a nod before making his way into the woods and far away from Forks.

  Jasper walked into the garage where his family was before addressing them, "I've fought our kind before. They're not easy to kill."

  Emmett interrupted, "but not impossible."

  Jasper gave a small nod, "we'll tear them apart and burn the pieces."

  Carlisle was having an internal debate as he listened to his children talking about killing someone. "I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James" he admitted.

  Nixie could understand where he was coming from, she truly could, but this was for Bella's protection. "Carlisle" she started, catching everyone's attention, "I understand your morals and I wish it didn't have to be this way, but as of right now it's kill or be killed. James won't stop until he has Bella and if that means taking us all out in the process, then that's what he'll do. I won't let him get to her, and if that means ripping him to shreds with my bare hands? Then I will do it without hesitation." She stared at them, letting them all know how serious the situation was.

Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant