Protectors out of the Bag

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                  **Can I even call these long chapters anymore if they're all like this?**

    The Cullens were all lounging around their living room. Carlisle and Esme were sitting together on the loveseat, Alice and Rosalie chatting on the couch with Emmett between them playing games on his phone. All while Jasper stood in the corner, a certain green eyed girl on his mind. They all stopped when the sound of a car door closing reached their ears.

  "That must be Edward" Carlisle stated, knowing his son was due back at any time.

  They went to return to what they were doing, pausing when they heard the sound of another door shut.

  Rosalie was the first to speak, snarling "he better not have brought that filthy human of his here." She calmed slightly when Emmett placed his hand on her shoulder.

  They were confused. Who would Edward of all people, bring to their house. Especially without announcing it beforehand. When the front door opened, they all stood as Edward made his way inside. They didn't miss the warning glance he shot them before he reached him arm out, helping the mystery person inside. The Cullens all gasped.

  There stood Nixie, in all her bloody glory. Blood had to have been covering every inch of her, and she was still sporting an open wound on her temple that refused to heal due to the cracked skull behind it.

  Meeting the eyes of a certain honey eyed southerner, Nixie flashed him a smirk. "Howdy", she spoke with a fake southern accent, letting out a slight giggle before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her body collapsed into Edwards arms.
  Jasper was seeing red. As soon as Edward had placed the unconscious Nixie onto the couch, Jasper was there grabbing him by the throat and slamming him into the living room wall. "What the hell did you do?!" Jasper roared in his brothers face. Before Edward could answer, Jasper yanked him forward and proceeded to slam him back into the wall again, harder this time and leaving a good sized dent.

  Feeling the multiple pairs of arms grabbing at him, Jasper stepped back letting Edward go. Turning away from him he made his way towards the couch where Nixie lay. He crouched beside her, brushing the hair from her face and asking again, more calmly this time, but still forceful "Edward, what happened to her?"

Edward didn't blame Jasper for freaking out on him. He knows he hasn't been very welcoming towards Nixie, and walking into the house with her injured and covered in blood, probably didn't look too good. Running his hand through his hair, he spoke, informing everyone of the nights events and what he had witnessed in the sick men's thoughts.

Esme gasped, covering her mouth with her hands as she burrowed deeper into Carlisle's side while he attempted to comfort her.

Alice stared at the floor sadly, upset that she hadn't seen it coming.

Emmett clenched his jaw as he wrapped Rosalie in his arms while she stared off to the side, reliving memories she wished she didn't have.

But Jasper was the worst. He was practically shaking with raw anger, every scenario running through his head of what he would've done to those men, of what he wanted to do to those men. He went to run his fingers through her hair again but stopped in his tracks when Nixie let out a small groan.

Am I dead? Nixie thought, as the never ending ache in her head increased. I better not be dead. I've only watched the first season of Dr.Sexy and I'm pretty sure they don't have that where I'm going. Finally feeling strong enough, she opened her eyes and instantly regretted it. The light blinded her and she clenched her eyes shut again as the pain in her head got even worse. Letting out a groan, she tried again, slower this time. Blinking the haze away, she came face to face with Jasper, who was no more than 4 inches away. Sending him a small smile she loosened her voice, letting out a sultry "why hello there."

Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin