Battle vs. War

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"Sometimes the hardest thing
and the right thing,
are the same thing."
                  -Isaac Slade

Nixie bounced in the back seat as her and Renesmee belted out the lyrics to the song on the radio.

"Hey there Delilah, what's in like in New York City?!"

Jake and Bella shook their heads from the front seat, small smiles gracing their faces at the duo in the back. They were all on their way to Charlie's to visit with him and Sue.

Nixie's head tilted back halting Jake and Bella's conversation, "OHHH, it's what you do to meee, OH it's what you to do me!"

The vampire chuckled as she turned the music up in hopes of drowning out her friends awful singing. She flinched when Nixie's mouth was suddenly by her ear, gasping when the protectress proceeded to scream the lyrics in her ear, "TWO MORE YEARS AND YOU'LL BE DONE WITH SCHOOL AND I'LL BE MAKIN' HISTORY LIKE I DOOOO."

This was gonna be a long car ride.


"There she is, come here" Charlie smiled as Renesmee raced towards him for a hug. Nixie ran around the two and threw her arms around Sue, the widowed mother and protectress having gotten close over the last few months.

"Wow" Charlie breathed as he set his granddaughter down, "look at you! You've grown half a foot! Seriously. Like 6 inches" he mumbled looking over to Sue who only chuckled.

"C'mon inside" Sue encourage as she wrapped her arm around Charlie's waist, "lunch is on the table."

"Don't have to tell me twice" Nixie cheered as she raced inside leaving everyone behind, shaking their heads.

"Some things never change" Charlie chuckled leading everyone else inside besides Bella who told them she had a few errands to run and took off.

Jake entered the house pausing as he witnessed Nixie sitting on top of a struggling Seth's back while she shoved a sandwich in her mouth.

"Nixie that was mine" Seth whined, his voice muffled as his head was shoved into the floor below him.

Leah was laughing so hard in the corner her face was red and she had tears streaming down her face. It sure was an odd sight.

"Sorry Sethy" Nixie shrugged with a mouth full of pb&j. "Yours had more jelly on it."

Seth let out a defeated groan into the rug below him and his body slacked as he defeatedly lied there while she ate his sandwich.

"We leave you alone for 2 seconds" Charlie commented aiming his words towards the protector.

Nixie gave him a jelly filled smile.


Bella pulled up towards the address she had stored and sighed, hesitantly opening her door and trudging out into the rain. Upon entering the building it didn't take a genius to spot the man known as J.Jenks and she spoke to the hostess who led her right to his table.

"Mrs.Cullen" he greeted, standing from his spot to shake her hand like a gentleman.

"Hi" Bella awkwardly returned the handshake.

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