Eddy to the Rescue

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  **Long Chapter Ahead!**

  Nixie had ended up skipping the beach and going to the motel to take a much needed nap. Bella didn't mind though, saying she had run into Jake and they were walking the beach together.

  When Nixie woke up she felt completely rejuvenated. She rolled over, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before checking her phone.

10 missed calls from Bella Swan.

  Sitting up, Nixie ripped her phone off the charger and dialed Bella's number. Biting her lip she listened to it ring.. and ring.. and ri- "Hello?" Nixie released the breath she was holding. "Bella?" It was silent, finally Bella responded.

  "How fast can you get here?" *Click*
  Bella was in her room on her laptop, multiple Quileute legend tabs open, until she heard the familiar pounding on her front door. She tossed her laptop aside before rushing downstairs. When she opened her front door she was met with the sight of a wide-eyed, messy haired, half clothed Nixie.

  "Nixie, what the hell?" She exclaimed, grabbing her by her arm and yanking her inside. Right as Bella went to close the door she caught a glimpse of her driveway, not seeing Nixie's Camaro. "Uh, Nixie.. where's your car?"

..... "I ran here."

  When Bella asked Nixie how fast she could get there, the girl didn't waste any time. Unfortunately, she couldn't locate her car keys so she opted to just run instead. She also didn't change out of the clothes she'd napped in so she was currently rocking extremely short comfy shorts and one of Gale's old t-shirts that reached below her knees.

  Bella didn't question her any further, she just wrapped her hand around Nixie's wrist and dragged her upstairs. "C'mon. I have something I need to show you." When they made it to Bella's room she shoved her laptop in Nixie's face. "Look." She demanded.

  Nixie scanned the tabs that were on the screen, reading little snippets of the legends that were available. Shit, Bella, who gave you this information? Instead of saying that out loud she just looked at her friend before asking the obvious, "what is this?" Bella began talking so fast Nixie could barely keep up, catching little parts like "Jake..Quileute..Edward..Pale faces and library."

  Bella was spewing words out so fast she had begun to turn blue in the face from lack of air.

  Nixie threw her hand over Bella's mouth, promptly cutting the girl off mid speech. "Bella" she soothed, before hardening her tone, "get to the point."

  Bella nodded and Nixie hesitantly removed her hand, ready to place it back in case Bella started again. Bella then just came out with it "I don't think the Cullens are human and I want you to come with me to the library this week and check out a book Jake mentioned." Bella knows she told Edward she wouldn't say anything to anyone, but she also said she wasn't gonna let this go. Plus, this was Nixie, her best friend and she knew the girl wouldn't say anything. She felt safe with her.

  Nixie knew Bella was going to get sucked into the supernatural eventually, she wouldn't have been sent here otherwise.

  It was no longer Nixie's job to keep Bella in the dark, now it was time to protect Bella from what Edward Cullen's darkness was going to bring.
  So without overthinking it, she gave Bella a firm nod, "okay."
  Nixie had ended up staying at Bella's last night due to not wanting to have to run back to her motel. Unfortunately for Nixie, she had to borrow some of Bella's clothes, something Nixie was less than thrilled about.

Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UNDER CONSTRUCTION}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora