The Pack

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"When the snows fall and the
white winds blow, the lone
wolf dies but the pack survives."
-George R.R. Martin

Nixie stared at the small house in front of her, it wasn't anything extravagant but it had a nice homey feel that surrounded it. After last night with Sam, explaining in the littlest amount of detail about herself, he had invited her to meet the pack and his fiancé the next day. She wasn't nervous, Nixie loved meeting new people, she just knew how weird the introductions were gonna be.

She had informed Sam on how she'd like it if he didn't tell his pack mates of her situation or anything about her past. It wasn't information she wanted floating around and getting into the wrong hands. Not that she didn't trust the wolves, she just didn't know them.

Exiting her Camaro she trudged forward and onto the front steps of the home, gently knocking on the rundown door. She was surprised when the door opened and she wasn't met with Sam's familiar dark eyes, but a soft pair of doe brown ones. She instantly placed a smile on her face before addressing the woman, "you must be Emily" she guessed, never releasing eye contact.

Sam had informed his fiancé about the new "friend" he had made and Emily had never been more excited, Sam didn't have friends, he just had pack members, so this was huge deal for him. She was even more elated when she found out the person he invited over was female, seeing as she was the only one surrounded the abundance of boys, she could use a another feminine touch around.

Emily smiled at the girl in front of her before pulling her into a tight hug, "it's so nice to meet you, Sam's told me so little about you I'm glad you could come over so I could meet you myself!"

Nixie returned the warm hug without hesitation, already taking a liking to Emily's bubbly personality. "I'm Nixie" she introduced when they stopped their embrace.

"Oh I know" Emily gushed, "you're the first friend Sam's brought home I had to see you for myself!"

Any other fiancé would be sketched out at the thought of her soon to be husband befriending a random female, but not Emily. For one thing, she knew Sam would never betray her in any way, she was his imprint and the love of his life.

Emily lightly smacked her own forehead, "how rude of me, come in come in" she ushered the protector in their home, closing the door behind them. "Sam's in the kitchen waiting on the boys to come back from patrol" she explained as they made their way down the short hallway that led to the kitchen.

Sam also told Emily about how Nixie knew of their situation, but advised her not to ask the girl seeing as how it could be a touchy subject. Emily instantly agreed to bury her curiosity and keep the boys' under control too, not wanting to scare Nixie away.

Upon entering the room, Nixie was hit with the smell of freshly baked cookies and muffins that were still currently in the oven. "It smells amazing in here" she complimented the duo, as Sam stood from his place at the table and made his way over.

In all honesty, Sam didn't know if Nixie was going to show up today, it was 50/50 in his mind, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't glad she did. "Nixie" he greeted with a nod, wrapping his arm around Emily and pulling her to him before placing a small kiss on her scars.

Nixie smiled at the scene in front of her, at least some people were getting their happily ever afters. "Sammy" she teased, chuckling at the look he gave her.

Emily giggled at the look on her fiancé's face before being distracted by the sound of the oven beeping, telling her that her muffins were done. "Oh, that'll be the muffins. The boys should be coming any second now, they always know when the food is done" she half joked.

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