Hero Hair

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  **I'm changing the story from 1st person POV to 3rd because I feel as if I'll be able to describe Jasper and Nixies feelings and thoughts better. Also this chapter is slightly longer than the others, enjoy!**

  Bella made her way to Biology while Nixie veered off towards the AP Calc room. Entering the class, she handed her form to the teacher before he directed her to an open seat. Never once glancing at anyone, she made her way down the rows, taking her seat and waiting for the class to officially begin. It wasn't until she realized the person next to her was missing a heartbeat, did she finally look over to them.

  The same charcoal colored eyes from before stared back into her earthy green. He still held the same grimace on his face from earlier but before Nixie could comment on it, he whipped his head back to face the front. Nixie eyeballed him from the corner of her eye, he was clenching the desk with his hands, leaving barely noticeable dents and he was holding his breath. Knowing vampires didn't breathe Nixie wasn't all that surprised, but he wasn't being very subtle about it and what if someone else noticed? She didn't stink so why was he so hellbent on not breathing?

  Hearing a sharp intake from beside her she turned her head back to face the mystery dude next to her. He released the desk from his clutches and glanced at her with a look of peculiarity. Shit. She forgot about the no scent thing, is that suspicious? Probably. Flashing him a small smile she went to turn away but Jasper had a different idea.

  Jasper was mesmerized by the beauty next to him. Without realizing it, he had begun to stare, it wasn't until green met black did he stop breathing. He quickly glanced away, clenching the desk beneath his fingers. He didn't want to take the chance of smelling her and losing it in front of all these humans. He could sense her looking at him with questions in her eyes but he ignored her. He wanted to run, to book it out of the room but he knew that would only draw more attention and he was almost certain she was gonna realize he was holding his breath.

  Inhaling sharply, Jasper was hit with the smell of literally nothing. Releasing the desk from his grasp and dropping his tense shoulders, he turned back towards the Goddess with confusion. She had no scent. And it was so overwhelming that it blocked out everyone else's scents as well.
  She turned to look at him, blessing him with a tiny grin making the boys undead heart clench. She was beautiful, and he didn't feel the urge to rip into her jugular, which was a bonus. Jasper almost felt normal for once and she hadn't even spoke to him yet.

  Throwing caution to the wind, Jasper spoke first, holding his hand out. "You're Nixie, right? The new girl. I'm Jasper." He watched her glance at his hand for a split second before gripping it within her tiny one. When her hand touched his, Jasper froze. All the blood pumping and the heartbeats racing from other students, disappeared. He could finally breathe, no longer craving to drain the room dry and no longer suffocating on everyones emotions.

  Nixie went to release his hand but he gently gripped hers, before raising it to his face and placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles that still had hints of Tyler's blood from lunch. Staring at the wonder in front of her she didn't realize she had forgotten to answer his previous question. Now sporting a wide grin she finally spoke,"yeah, Nixie's the name. It's nice to meet you Jasper."

  Jasper wasn't even phased by the dried blood on her knuckles, something he'd realize later, for he was too stricken by the girl. If Jasper were human he knows the smile she gave him would've left him a blushing, stuttering mess and her voice would bring any human to their knees. Vampirism has its perks after all because he was somehow able to remain extremely calm. Giving Nixie a smile of his own he responded back,"the pleasure is mine Nixie, truly." Before Nixie could retort the teacher let out a slight cough, gaining their attention before they watched him tap the board a couple times indicating for them to focus. Smiling at each other one last time, they looked forward.

  As the bell rang, releasing the students from their last class of the day Nixie let out a sigh, thank God. Gripping her necessities she made her way to the door, where Bella was already waiting for her, Jasper trailed behind. Reaching Bella, Nixie heard her name called, turning towards the voice. Jasper flashed the girl a one-sided smirk "see you later Nixie" before he made his way in the opposite direction.

  Ignoring Bella's gobsmacked face they made their way to the office to turn in their slips. Bella glanced at the girl next to her wanting to question her on her sudden friendship with Jasper Hale but decided against it. There were more pressing matters at hand. "Do I stink?" Bella questioned her friend, knowing Nixie would be completely honest with her.

  Glancing at Bella, slightly amused by her question Nixie let out a slight chuckle. The look in Bella's eyes made Nixie realize she was actually serious, so to ease her worries she leaned towards her hair before taking a whiff. She was gonna mess with her a little bit, but seeing her desperation Nixie chose the honest option instead. "No, you smell good actually, is that Lavender? What shampoo do you use?"

  Bella let out a sigh before explaining how Edward Cullen treated her in their shared Bio class. Of course Nixie had a theory as to why he acted that way but she couldn't voice it to Bella, so she improvised. "Maybe he's allergic to lavender." Bella shot the girl a glare to which Nixie responded with a shrug of her shoulders, continuing on their way.

  Speak of the Devil and he shall appear, for standing there was the one and only Edward Cullen, arguing with the lady at the front desk. Making their way forward, both girls caught the tail end of their conversation. "There's no other classes open? Physics? Biochem?" Anyone could hear the frustration in the vampires tone.

The lady, totally done with Edwards shit spat back "No, every class is full. I'm afraid you'll have to stay in Biology."

Edward was seething at this point "Fine. Just... I'll have to endure it."

Nixie didn't give a rats ass if he stayed or left Bella's Bio class, but the fact that he was making Bella feel as if it were her fault, pissed Nixie off. Making his way to the door Edward sent both girls a heated glare, curling his lip at them before shoulder checking Nixie out of the way.

  Spinning around Nixie gripped his arm, halting him mid-step. Bringing her eyes to meet his she clenched his arm even harder, but not too hard as to cause suspicion. She felt Bella tugging on her other arm to get her to let go but she ignored the human. With one last glare Nixie hissed "watch where you're going Hero Hair" before releasing him and turning back around.

  Fuck you Edward Cullen.

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