"Just Say the Words..."

Start from the beginning

  The protectress shook her head at her brother, always amused at the fact that his body was most likely lying back at their old house completely empty. It was one of the things that both intrigued her but also creeped her out about her brother astral projecting, his soul completely left his body unoccupied where it was last. "What're doing here" she quizzed again, jumping up to sit on one of the lower branches.

  Gale took a spot next to her, smiling at his younger sister with a knowing look. "C'mon Nix, I know you better than anyone, the fights getting closer."

  "So" Nixie grumbled knowing exactly where he was going with this but still refusing to admit it.

  "So" Gale repeated, "you're stressed, I can see the stress lines on your forehead."

  "No you can't" Nixie gasped as her hand reached up to smooth any wrinkles only to glare at her brother when he laughed at her.

  He shook his head, grin still apparent on his face, "what kind of brother would I be if I didn't come and try to cheer my sister up when she needed it?"

  "A normal one" Nixie stated with a chuckle, the air became silent around them and Nixie glanced over at Gale. He was staring ahead into the forest towards the direction everyone else was in with a content smile on his lips. Her grin widened, she never thought she'd be sitting here with her brother, gearing up for war in the middle on winter. She never thought she'd see him again after the events at her graduation. She hoped he was proud of her, of her accomplishments, her failures, her persistence to always protect. That's all she ever wanted from her family was for them to be proud of her.

  "He would be ya know" Gale spoke, breaking her from her trance and earning a confused look. "Dad" he elaborated, "he'd be proud of the woman you've become, I know I am."

  Nixie's eyes watered at her brothers words and she wished she could hug him but she settled for a watery smile instead. "I hope so" she breathed.

  The rest of the time was quiet as the siblings sat together, no words spoken between the 2 as they simply sat and enjoyed each other's company.


  The time had finally come. The snow was sticking and winter was at it's peak. The harsh winds hardly phased the group of supernatural beings that made their way across the snow covered clearing.

  Bella, Edward and Renesmee lead, the family placed in the front of everyone.

  They were followed closely by the rest of the Cullen clan, Rose and Emmett to their right and Carlisle and Esme to their left.

  The rest of the clans stood in the back, their numbers looking extremely thin due to to size of the field they were in.

  The air was thick, tension rising at they awaited the arrival of the Volturi. The fog coating the field only made the atmosphere more ominous, more dangerous.

  "If we live through this" Garrett spoke, aiming his words towards the blonde vampire he had quickly been taken with. "I'll follow you anywhere, woman."

  Kate met his grin with a smirk, "now you tell me."

  Carlisle clutched his wife's hand within his, eyes casted down towards their intertwined fingers before he met her eyes. They didn't speak, their eyes conveying their love just as well as words.

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