Soldiers of Justice

Start from the beginning



A single groan came from the robot and he opened his mouth. But for a moment, no voice came out so it just looked like he was mouthing something in the lines of "Where am I?"



Finally, his eyes flickered open, adjusting to the light in the room. He appeared to be laying on a table, in a living room combined with a mini lab. Looking around, he picked up what appeared to be a broken glass piece from a picture. Picking it up, he saw his features and took all of it in. He was active, alive.

And completely alone.



He staggered off of the table, slowly gaining his footing. He looked at his appearance, eventually touching the small little spikes on his helmet. There was a gap, hinting his helmet could be taken off, so he did just that. His synthetic hair was short with a pale yellow color. As he ran his hand through it, he spoke to himself.

"Enker, that's my name. Where am I?" He noticed his voice was calm and quiet, almost with a soft-spoken manner.

"Is anyone there?" He called to no one in particular, but only echoing was his response. The robot Enker decided he wasn't going to wait, he wanted to know where the heck he was. Opening every he could find in the twisting hallways, he opened the last one.

He was met with blinding sunlight, almost prompting him to shut his eyes. Wind blew in his hair, and he realized he was in a mostly barren landscape. There were a few clumps of trees down the hill next to a lake. If Enker had to guess, he was in a building close to rocky mountains. There wasn't any signs of civilization for a while. 

The yellow haired robot didn't know what to do next; should he go look for his creator, or possibly stay here? He leaned against the door with thought. Surprisingly, he didn't feel any emotions, only thoughts and logical reasoning was behind it. The two arguments went on in his head for a few solid moments before reaching a conclusion.

He went out of the fortress, walking out towards the mountains. And he wasn't aware that the path he was taking was toward Monsteropolis...


Meanwhile, the fight with Rock, Fireman, and Bombman started off shaky but slowly turned more manageable. Rock was dodging the fire the crazy robot was throwing, while the bombs actually weren't that hard anyway. They mostly just bounced for a few seconds and exploded, the fire would end up blowing them prematurely.

"Aw, no fair! He's ruining everything Fire, work a little faster!"

"I'm a little busy trying ta hit 'im, okay?!" Fire snapped back. Rock could swear he saw his iris's turning yellow out of rage.

"Yeah Bomb, can't blame him for trying, comparted to you." Rock mildly taunted, whipping around another fire wall.

"What you say?!?! You're going to pay for that!"

"I'm sure I won't." Though I'm getting pretty close, Rock thought at the same he spoke. As one more bomb headed toward his way, Rock promptly picked up the bomb and threw it towards Fireman. The robot didn't get to dodge as the explosion his him directly in the face, throwing him into a wall.

"You little-"

Rock didn't realize he changed into a different color as he threw the Rolling Cutter, cutting off Bomb's synthetic mohawk. "My mohawk!!"

"Quiet, ya punk! It didn't look good anyway!" Fire pointed at him.

"Aw, not cool bro." 

In their moment of brief arguing, Rock changed into a new weapon. Elec's weapon. "I wonder how this one works." Thrusting his hands forward, he tried to charge the 'Thunder Beam' towards Fireman. But something went wrong, his mind suddenly went crazy as three distinct bolts of lightning came from his front, back, and the top of his head.

"What the-?"

"Oh, that ain't good!" 

The two robots couldn't finish as Fire was zapped and crushed into a wall. Bomb screamed as he burst through the ceiling, falling down with a undignified thunk. Rock didn't even for a few moments. His processor was partially fried due to the power output of that attack, the wires were slowly trying to start again with a more reasonable power output. Taking a few small steps, Rock gathered the chips from Fire and Bomb's fallen and crushed bodies. 

"I can-ow- see why you wanted to wait until after the meeting to wake Elec up, Dr. Light." Rock murmured as he staggered his way out of the incinerator.

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