Start from the beginning

   "She's not coming ba--"

   Two hands appeared on either side of Elena's head, her neck snapped before she had chance to finish speaking. Her body dropped to the ground, lifeless, revealing Katherine stood behind her. "Sorry. I got held up."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

   "Oh, come on." Katherine shrugged, seeing the looks the couple were giving her. She crossed her arms over her chest, stepping over Elena's body. "She could use a nap. It must be exhausting trying to be me."

   Elijah watched her carefully, taking Audrey's hand in his, giving it a squeeze in comfort. "You killed Jeremy Gilbert."

   The Pierce woman paused for a moment, rolling her eyes as she turned to look at them, sighing. "Yes, Elijah, I killed Jeremy Gilbert, a bombshell I'm sure she just couldn't wait to drop on you. Ironic, since she supposedly doesn't care about anything."

   "Well, I care." He stated. "No matter their current differences, he's Audrey's brother. Some of the only family she and Elena had left, and now you've taken him away from them." He squeezed Audrey's hand again, who held his hand tightly. "From her."

   Katherine smiled defensively. "Uh, why are you looking at me like I enjoyed it?" Elijah roll his eyes and starts walking away with Audrey, and Katherine follows them. "Jeremy was collateral damage. I was doing what I needed to do to survive."

   "And I take it that's what we are to you?" He said, already knowing the answer. "A means of survival?"

   "Don't let sweet little Elena get to you." Katherine quickly shook her head. "She hates me. She wants you to turn against me and convince you that I can't be trusted."

   "My sister is a liar." Audrey finally spoke up, causing Katherine to look at her. "I know that better than anyone. But so are you. The only reason you didn't say anything about Jeremy, Katherine, is because we are the only way you're getting a deal with Klaus. That's what this is, isn't it?" She raised a brow at her. "Klaus won't trade your life for the cure. He'll kill you and take it. But he'll listen to us. So we take the cure, make the deal, and you get your freedom."

   Katherine's face faltered slightly. "You washed you hands with them when you left Mystic Falls."

   "It doesn't mean I wanted him dead!" She snapped, rubbing her face in disbelief. "The cure is not worth everyone dying over. Was Kol not enough to prove that point?" Audrey took a deep breath, shaking her head. "So, this is done."

   Katherine stood for a moment, watching as they walked away, before she quickly grabbed Audrey's wrist. She looked between them desperately. "I--I can't make a deal without you."

   Elijah and Audrey exchanged a look, both of them knowing what the other was thinking. "Goodbye Katherine."


   Elijah sighed in annoyance. "What do you want?" 

   She looked at him. "I've spent so much time running and lying just to survive that I don't-- I'm starting to believe my own lies. I don't even remember who I was when we first met. And I want to find out." Opening her purse, she reached inside and pulls out a black box. 

   "You have the cure." The Mikaelson realized. 

   Katherine nodded. "Yeah. And I can shove this down Klaus' throat and try to kill him, but even if I manage to do it..." She glanced at him a long moment, and Audrey saw the look in her eyes. A look she'd seen her sister give to the Salvatore brothers, one she gives Elijah constantly. She still felt for him, and it took all of Audrey's self control not to snap again. The Pierce woman looked at the Gilbert girl. "You know, I once told you that unlike your sister, I don't actually mind you. I still mean that. Unlike us, you have a shot at something better. Something that's been out of my reach for a long time. So, here." She placed the box in Audrey's hands. "You've spent so long having the shots called for you, ending up collateral damage. It's your turn to take control. You decide what happens with this from here."

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