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   It was getting bigger.

   Audrey stood in her bathroom, with the door locked to no one would walk in, examining her necklace in the mirror. The crack was still there in the crystal, not just a figment of her imagination like she hoped it might be, it was getting bigger. Audrey ran a hand through her hair in frustration, pulling the necklace off and laying it down on the counter. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. In the two days since she first noticed the crack, the nosebleeds had started to return more frequently, quicker than before she knew what was causing them. 

   With a sigh, she grabbed her phone as it began to vibrate, answering the call. "I know, I'm late. I'm sorry." She answered instantly. 

   "Did you know Rebekah was going to homecoming with Matt?" Caroline asked her. "I mean, can you believe it? Tyler doesn't even see it as a problem!"

   "Is it?" Audrey asked in confusion. "It's just a date to a dance, Care."

   "Um, yes!" The Forbes girl let out in disbelief. "The last thing Matt needs is to get caught up with Rebekah, the evil blood slut! She's already got Tyler hooked on feeding from people instead of blood bags, she can't get her claws into Matt."

   "Caroline." The Gilbert girl said calmly. "I know you aren't her biggest fan, but she is still my friend, remember?"

   "Sorry, sorry." Caroline sighed. "I just needed to vent. I'll stop." She promised. "Hey, are you going with anyone tonight?"

   Audrey pulled a face at the question. Getting a date for homecoming had not even crossed her mind, not since she was informed she had no choice but to go. If she was honest with herself, she didn't want a date. She missed Elijah. Things between them were complicated, not having a chance to properly have any time together since they learned about the bond they shared. But she missed him. The feeling that bubbled in the pit of her stomach when he was around, the way the smallest of compliments he said could make her smile, or how he just seemed to know if she wasn't okay. 

   Elijah hadn't been apart of her life long, but without him there, something felt missing. 

   "No." She shook her head. "I'm going solo." Caroline went quiet, and knowing what was coming, Audrey was quick to continue. "I don't care how cute this football player is, I don't want to be set up with him or anyone else, Care. Okay?"



   "Fine." Caroline gave in with a small huff. "Fine, no set up. But just so you know, you're missing out. He looks like Chris Evans."

   Audrey chuckled. "I doubt it. I'll see you tonight." With that, she hung up, and her focus returned to the necklace.

   Letting out a sigh, she pulled up a different contact and quickly typed a message, hitting send. The crack grew the smallest inch, and it just confirmed what Audrey was thinking. She needed help, and fast.

Anomaly [ELIJAH MIKAELSON] [1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now