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   "She and Stefan have went away for a few days." She told him. "After what happened with the werewolves, she wanted a break." She gave him a genuine smile. "Thanks for having your witches intervene. You saved Caroline's life."

   He smiled back at her. "You are welcome."

   Damon sat down at the desk, watching them carefully as he butted in. "Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you're here."

   "Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena and Audrey safe and leave the rest to me."

   Elijah moves to exit the room, but Damon speeds in front of him, blocking the way out. "Not good enough."

   "Forgive me, my dear." Audrey blinked at Elijah's words to her, confused, but her confusion was quickly cleared up with what happened next. Elijah grabs Damon by the throat and vamp-speeds him into a wall. Damon, in retaliation, grabs Elijah's throat. The original grabs Damon's hand and easily pulls it off of his neck, making sure to crush Damon's hand as he does so. "You young vampires, so arrogant." Elijah drops Damon's hand from his own, but continues to hold Damon up against the wall by the throat. "How dare you come in here and challenge me?"

   "You can't kill me, man." The Salvatore groaned out in pain. "It's not part of the deal."

   "Silence." Elijah grabs a pencil lying on the desk and stabs Damon in the neck with it. Damon clutches at the pencil and yells in pain. Elijah lets go of Damon, who falls against the desk and removes the pencil, painfully. As the raven haired man claps his hand over the bloody wound, Elijah whips out a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the blood off his hands. "I'm an Original. Show a little respect." He then dangles the handkerchief in front of Damon, who grabs it hastily, and places it on his wound. "The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're dead, so you should do what I say. Keep Elena and Audrey safe."

   He looked over at the stunned Gilbert girl, and gave her a small nod, before he walked out of the study. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * 

   Audrey sat alone in the Grill, playing a game on her phone until a bag was placed in front of her, and she looked up at the waiter with a grin. "Thank you." She handed him a couple bills, before grabbing the brown paper bag and styrofoam cup, making her way outside.

   After what happened at the historical society, Audrey had bowed out of the event early, telling Jenna she had a headache. In actual fact, she was making a quick get away from Damon, who she knew would of hit her with a barrage of questions. Plus, she felt no sympathy for the Salvatore at all, as he made the mistake of provoking Elijah to that point. She didn't understand why he couldn't trust the deal like she and Elena were. Wanting to avoid running into John at home, the Gilbert girl stopped at the Grill on her way through town, using the money she had to buy herself a burger and milkshake. 

   "Excuse me!" Audrey paused as a man jogged over to her. "Audrey Gilbert?"

   She quirked a brow, taking a cautious step away from him. "Do I know you?"

   His lips twitched into a smirk, glancing over her shoulder. "Grab her."

   And all hell broke loose. Audrey screamed as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist, her body being tugged back against someone's chest. A hand soon clamped over her mouth, shoving a cloth in her mouth to muffle her screams, as they carried the the thrashing girl into an empty alleyway. 

   "Brady sent the all clear." One of the men behind Audrey said. "He's going for the sister now."

   "What about Jules?" Another asked. 

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