Chapter 6 - That damn 'orse

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Her hand grasped her wounded shoulder, blood seeping through her fingers as she applied pressure. The pain radiated through her. Even her eyes began to sting from the tears building up, the sharpness of her broken collar bone piercing through her delicate pale skin. Every inch she tried to move produced another agonizing groan that escaped her mouth. Adrenaline was the only thing left in her. She knew she had no choice but to fight.

In one swift motion she threw her arm towards her boots, grabbing the blade that resided there and slammed it straight into the head of a walker sending black blood flying onto her face. It's eyes rolled backwards into its skull as she kicked it in the gut with her right leg and pulled back the blade ,forcing the walking corpse to the floor. Gun shots echoed around her, Aaron and Daryl fending off the swarm of dead that began to charge through the field of overgrown grass as the beautiful dam fled the scene.

Despite her desire to tend to her broken bone was pushed to the back of her racing mind as she pulled her gun from the back of her jeans and aimed for the head of nearest living dead. She wasn't nearly as good with a pistol as she was a bow but the hope of her pulling the string of her favorite weapon in the near future was slimmer than the hungry walker making its way towards her. Black blood spilling from its mouth, dripping onto the exposed rib cage that had clearly been digested by others of his kind. Before she had chance to pull the trigger a second time blood drenched her torso as the front of his forehead flew towards her, leaving a hole through the center of his brain.

"Yer' alrigh'?" the muscular figure asked her, concern slowly spreading its way across his face. Lou took in a deep breath and nodded, unconvincingly, towards Daryl. "Shit. Yer arm"

He strode towards her, wiping away the crimson liquid that painted her skin and assessed the injury. As he delicately pressed her skin around the bone Lou let out small whimpers, her confident facade fading quickly as the vulnerable girl inside her started to show. "It's a clean break" he noted "But I gotta push it back in"

Her eyes widened as his soft fingers comfortingly applied pressure to her good shoulder and nodded at her, his eyes connecting with her for short moment. The few seconds of silence with her were blissful. He had chance to admire the beautiful green of her eyes. The brown spot that resided in the upper corner of the left iris. The freckles that bridged across her nose. He braced himself to ruin the moment and when she seemed at her most comfortable, he pushed her bone back into her body, resulting in an ear peircing scream that echoed through the surrounding woods.

Lou dropped to the ground, clutching her shoulder in desperation as she willed the pain to go away. Her hand refused to move from the wound as Daryl placed himself on the ground in front of her and put two fingers underneath her chin.

"Yer alright. But ya gotta le'me dress it"

She nodded in reply, allowing him to grasp her bloody hand and move it onto her thigh. He brushed his thumb over her knuckles before pressing a clean gauze over the whole in her body and keeping it in place with a white bandage. Never before had she been in such pain, yet almost as if he read her thoughts, he tossed her some painkillers and a bottle that held only a dribble of semi-clean water.

"Thanks" she whispered, offering a small smile to the unexpectedly, gentle man.

"S'aright" Daryl gripped her blood soaked hand, helping Lou to her feet and steadying her when she had both feet firmly planted to the floor. "We should find tha' 'orse"

Two updates in one day because I can't stop writing this story! It helps me escape from this world I guess. 

Please comment and vote as it really makes my day!

- Al

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