Chapter 50 - SORGHUM

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The leather interior of Rick's chosen car stuck to Lou's skin as she slid into the back seat. Black fabric clung tightly to her arms and she found herself grimacing as she pulled away. Her bow was placed strategically next to her on the seat, easily accessible to her and only her.

"Today's the day" Rick stated, climbing into the driver's seat and slamming the door behind him.

Daryl shrugged his shoulders, still avoiding eye contact with Louise "Uh-huh"

Rick furrowed his eyebrows, a smirk evident on his face as he made a side glance at the female. She leant forwards in her seat and placed her elbows on the back rests in front of her.

"We're gonna find food, maybe some people" he said, slowly pulling out of Alexandria. "The law of averages has gotta catch up"

"I don't know, I ain't seen anybody for weeks" Lou sighed, shaking her head. "Maybe we ain't gonna find any body"

"Yeah, maybe that's a good thing" Daryl grumbled, shifting uncomfortably. He looked to his left and noticed how close her face was to his...again. Her eyes involuntarily drifted to him every few minutes, unaware that his were doing the same; just a few seconds later.

Rick's hand explored the glovebox, moving objects to the side as he searched for a small silver disc. As his fingers grazed the plastic he let out an excited 'ah-ha' and pulled it out. He smirked at his friends.

"Don't" Lou said. "Rick, come on"

He raised his eyebrows.

"Don't" Daryl warned.

Rick pushed the CD into the slot.

"Please, don't"

The tune started at the sheriff bobbed his head in time as she began to sing along. "I want to lay it on the line, 'cause everything I do, I wanna do it in double time"

"Seriously" Lou wined, reaching forwards towards the eject button. "Can we please listen to anything else?"

Rick tapped her hand lightly. "I'm driving, I pick the music"

"Fine, let me drive then"

"No chance"


He carried on singing. "Well, you chick is gonna move me, that gotta be action-packed"

Louise rolled her eyes and dropped backwards in her seat with her arms crossed tightly over her chest. She wasn't certain at first, but as the car moved forwards, a small building came into view. "Hey! Hey, stop - look at that"

The car braked sharply, causing the small female to jolt forwards. She connected with Daryl's seat and let out an unimpressed wine. "Yep, thanks for that"

"You told me to break" Rick chuckled, turning the vehicle to the right and following the short path. A few meters from the road stood a small building, accompanied by a rather large garage. SORGHUM was painted on the shutters, a small logo just beneath it.

"Sorghum?" Lou read out loud, pulling her bow from the car and slowly walking towards the unit.

"Hey, hold up" Daryl said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's best to be safe"

She nodded. "I'll cover you"

Carefully, she pulled her gun from its holster and aimed it readily at the metal door. Rick stood opposite, guarding Daryl from the other side. They both nodded at the hunter, ready for any stray 'walkers' that threatened to emerge from the interior. The lock clicked and the shutter flew upwards with a clatter, bouncing off the wall above.

When the dead roam - (Daryl Dixon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang