Chapter 62 - You're supposed to be someone else!

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The blade in her hand was covered in thick black blood. It dripped from the tip, landing in the grass below and mixing with the puddles from the dead she had slaughtered. Nobody could say that Louise Wainwright couldn't handle herself - in fact, she was remarkably skilled when it came to close combat - but secretly, she enjoyed having other people around to assist her.

She swung the knife left, embedding it in a 'walker's' skull before pulling it back and kicking the body to the ground. She knelt next to it's body and shoved the metal in it's neck before pulling the head from it's body. The smell of decay invaded her nose as she held onto it's hair and passed it to Jesus.

"Think that's good enough?" she asked.

"I think so" he sighed, signaling for her to follow him.

"Okay". She dusted her hands on her jeans as she stood up. "We should go check back in with Rick"

"You think this is gonna work?"

"I don't know, I don't think anyone is stupid enough to believe that this is Gregory's head but it's our best shot"

Jesus nodded at looked at the ground.

"He killed her, didn't he?" he asked abruptly, carrying the decapitated head at his side. "Shaun, he killed Hollie?"

She let out a heavy sigh. "Not by his own hand but...yes, he did"

"And you still keep him around?"

"It's...uh..." she ran a hand through her dirty hair. "It's difficult. As he likes to remind me, he's family, but a part of me - the majority of me - hates him"

"One thing I always admired about you was how fiercely you protected your family, Lou" he said. "But you never could tell when to cut someone loose"

"It's not that I can't tell...I just don't wanna loose anybody else"

"But is he worth loosing everyone else? How long till he hurts another person?"

Louise closed her eyes tightly.

"He's your weak spot" Jesus stated. "Always has been"

Slowly, they walked back to the highway. Nightfall was close and time was limited but the group were certain their plan would work. Rick waved them over as the two emerged from the bushes and Jesus dropped the head on the road, next to two other grey haired faces.

"What do you think?" Andy said, coming up behind them.

"This one" Rick said, crouching down in front of the line-up and retrieving the middle head. None of them looked particularly similar to Gregory but they didn't have much options. He held it at arms length and examined it closely.

"Though, it's probably a good thing we're doing this at night" Jesus chuckled lightly.

"Something wrong with it?"

"The nose" he said, pointing at the chosen specimen. "Gregory's is a different shape"

Rick raised a eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders. He clenched his fist, brought it back and began repeatedly punching the 'walker' in the face. The nose bone crunched and caved under his fist. After a few hits, he held the head out and turned towards them.

"He fought back" he smirked, nodding at Andy. "He broke your hand, right?"

Jesus crossed his arms over his chest. "Guess there's no reason to be subtle about it"

Andy glared at Rick.


"The Saviors, they're scary but...those pricks got nothin' on you" he said.

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