Chapter 58 - Can you give me a few days?

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They walked slowly into the grounds of the Hill Top as the wooden doors opened before them. A huge, Victorian building stood towards the back of the complex, still screaming 'beauty', even if the midst of war between the dead and the living. A white turret protruded from the top, glass windows scattered all around it.

Wooden canopies were lined across the left hand side, crops and supplies staggered between the pallets and multiple trailers stood opposite on the right. The grass had been well-looked-after. Bright green strands pointed in all directions, allowing enough room for a dirt path to be placed throughout the middle of the grounds that led directly to the main building.

"Hey, thanks again" Harlan said, waving towards Louise as he carried Freddie towards a small trailer. He looked at Maggie and Glenn. "Come see me whenever, I'm over here in the medical trailer, okay?"

The couple nodded and smiled at each other. Louise smirked at them, completely envious of how open they were about their love for each other.

"There was a material's yard for a power company near by" Jesus explained. "That's how we put up the walls. A lot of people came from a FEMA camp. Trailers came with them"

"How did people find out about this place?" Shaun asked, keeping pace with Louise.

"That's called Barrington House" Jesus pointed towards the large building. "The family that owned it gave it to the states in the 30's. The state turned it into a living history museum. Every elementary school for fifty miles used to come here for field trips. The place was running a long time before the modern world was built up around it"

"It's...gorgeous" Louise breathed, unable to contain her amazement at the brickwork.

Jesus smirked. "I think people came here because they figured it'd keep running after the modern world broke down" He pointed at the white tower on the roof. "Those windows up there let us see for miles in every direction. It's perfect for security. Come on, I'll show you inside"

The group followed Jesus into the building, stopping in the lobby and taking in the huge pieces of artwork that hung on the walls. A tall grand staircase stood proudly in the center of the hall, turning towards the top. Abraham stopped next to Louise.

"Good gracious ignatious"

"I know..." she breathed, her fingers tracing the dark oak frame of a painting.

"Most of the rooms have been converted to living spaces" Jesus said. "Even the ones that weren't bedrooms"

"People live here and the trailers?" Rick asked, raising his eyebrows.

"We plan to build" he looked towards Maggie and smiled. "There's babies being born"

A large set of double doors to their left burst open as an elderly, white haired male, made himself known.

"Jesus. You're back" he said, eyes narrowing as he glared at the unfamiliar group of people. "With...guests"

"Everyone, this is Gregory. He keeps the trains running on time around here" Jesus informed.

"I'm the boss"

"Well, I'm Rick" he took a step forwards. "We have a commun-"

"Why don't y'all go get cleaned up, hmm?" he stated, cutting Rick off before he had the chance to finish his sentence.

Lou moved away from the painting and stood besides Rick. "We're fine"

"Jesus will show you where you can get washed up" he said, refusing to look at her and ignoring her presence completely. "Then come back down here when you're ready" He moved towards Rick and spoke quietly. "Hard to keep this place clean"

Louise scoffed as Rick rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure"

"Follow me" Jesus said, leading the group up the steps.

Louise walked up behind Maggie, listening closely as Rick bent down slightly and whispered into the southern girls ear. "You clean up first. You talk to him"


"I shouldn't" he grumbled, "And you gotta start doing these things. Plus...the way Lou looked at him, she'll kill him in his sleep"

He patted her shoulder and looked back at Louise, who nodded in agreement and followed the rest of the group into a small room at the end of the hallway. The room was emptied out apart from two small couches at either end. More paintings hung on the walls, sighed by artists who no doubt died, long ago.

"So..." Abraham droned, leaning against a window frame. "How long do you think Rick and Michonne have been bumping uglies?"

Daryl looked at Louise before answering. "I don't know"

"You ever think about it?" He asked, cocking his head to the side and eyeing the hunter. "Settling down?"

"You think this shit is settled?"

"As settled as it gets" he sighed. "What about you?"

"Me?" she asked, eyebrows raised. "I don't...uh...I don't think people can 'settle' anymore"

She locked eyes with Daryl and coughed awkwardly as Rick walked back into the room.

"Your turn" he said to Louise, who took one last side glance at Daryl before shutting the bathroom door behind her and walking towards the sink. She stared at herself in the mirror. Dark circles had made themselves known underneath her green eyes, her raven hair was stained with dried blood and her skin was paler than normal. She looked horrific.

Warm water spilled from the tap and she relished in having a moment to wash the dirt from her face. Slowly, she moved her hands across her cheeks and rubbed at the mud, leaving slight red marks over her sensitive skin. The remains of a small bar of soap sat besides the faucet; a faint scent of vanilla drifting from it. Louise lifted the white bar and rubbed her palms against it before scrubbing at her arms. The scars on her bicep became more apparent as she washed away the grime and she couldn't help but feel the slightest bit embarrassed.

After five minutes of constant scraping, she gave up on making herself look presentable and pulled her hair over one shoulder. She missed her elastic band; hair just seemed to get in the way.

She stepped out of the bathroom and avoided all eye contact as she walked down the stairs to the lobby. The group had assembled outside Gregory's office, waiting patiently for Maggie to finish her proposition with the new community. Daryl watched her as she stopped beside the bannister and leant up against it.

"We want to generate trade. Gregory does but ammunition isn't something we urgently need" Jesus said, looking directly at Rick.

"Yeah, how's that?" he asked.

"The walls hold. We just brought in more medicines. Gregory want's the best deal possible"

"Yeah, well, we want things too" Lou stated.

Rick raised his eyebrows at her. "We need food. We came all this way, we're gonna get it"

Jesus sighed. "I will talk to him and work this out. Circumstances change. We're doing well now and you will next, I will make him understand that. Can you give me a few days?"

Louise looked towards Rick and nodded at him before she replied. "We can"


Jesus laughed softly before the front door slammed open and an unfamiliar male ran into the building. At the same time, Gregory opened the double doors and met the man in the middle of the lobby.

"What's wrong?" he asked urgently.

"They're back"

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