Chapter 47 - The hell happened?

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No words can explain how it feels to watch your husband sacrifice himself for you. Nothing could ever come close but as Maggie sat, screaming, on the look out post for Glenn to run, she knew deep down inside that he was going to die for her.

He moved backwards, releasing bullet after bullet but he had no chance against the hundreds of 'walkers' that swarmed his small body.

"Go! Get over the fence!" He shouted over the gunfire. "Just go!"


"Just go!" He shoved a walking corpse backwards, his foot connecting with its stomach before pulling the trigger. The 'walker' fell backwards onto his own kind, giving Glenn the smallest fraction of a second to take out another. Yet, for every one he killed, three more arrived and his chances for survival decreased.

Glenn knew he had minutes, if not seconds, left to live and he had accepted his fate the moment he stepped back into Alexandria. He had to save his pregnant wife.

The last bullet flew from his gun and he tossed it aside. There were too many to fight alone. Too many to remotely consider running away, so he took them on by hand. Punching and stamping until they took over. Maggie screamed his name as his body left her view and she dropped to her knees.

"Glenn! No, Glenn!"

Tears trailed down her mud covered cheeks but the deafening sound of an assault rifle besides her gave her a glimmer of hope. One by one the 'walkers' surrounding Glenn dropped, to reveal his blood soaked body cowering against the metal fences of Alexandria. They both turned towards the sound.

Sasha and Abraham stood proudly on top of a large green van, rifles in hand and a smirk of their faces.

"Can you get the gate?" Abraham chuckled, looking down at the Asian man. "Appreciate it, Pal"

Glen nodded quickly and scrambled towards the gates. He unlocked the heavy bolt and shifted the chain to the left before tugging the gate to the side. Daryl pulled the vehicle into the entrance and stopped just besides him. Without hesitation, Glenn pulled open the door and jumped inside as Abraham helped Maggie climbed down from the look-out.

"What the hell happened?" Daryl grumbled, turning in his seat to face Glenn.

"I don't know, I just got back"

"The bell tower collapsed" Maggie said, jumping into the vehicle beside her husband. "I was with Rick and Lou when it happened"

"She alrigh'?"

She furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "I don't know, we got separated"

Daryl grunted and looked into their town. 'Walkers' were the only thing visible for yards, there was no way to tell if there was living among the dead.

"Listen, we can...we can lead some of them away but they're scattered" Glenn suggested, noticing that Daryl was uncomfortable with leaving people to defend themselves.

"No, we get 'em all together" he stated. "Don't need to draw 'em away"

"What's the plan?"

"Were gonna light this puppy up" Abraham chuckled as he jumped from the bonnet.

He put pressure on the accelerator and took off into Alexandria, crushing walkers with the wheels as he did so. Blood splattered across the windshield, leaving a small window of vision as the wipers moved left to right. When he arrived at the lake, he reversed into position and killed the engine.

"When I say go, yer move backwards"

Daryl jumped from the vehicle and made his way towards the rear. He felt beneath the car and pulled at the fuel pipe, bending it outwards and emptying the majority of their fuel into the long body of water. The liquids mixed together, creating a ready-made attraction for the dead; all they needed was a flame.

With a pat of the metal, Glenn pulled the vehicle forwards and Daryl retrieved his grenade launcher. He nodded at his friend and hoisted himself onto the roof. Balance was limited but he walked slowly, careful to watch his footing.

He held the launcher out in front of him, using both hands to keep the large metal canister steady as he pulled the trigger. The grenade flew from the barrel at a rapid spread. The water of the lake had no time to ripple before the liquid was engulfed in high flames. Sweat immediately poured from his body as the heat of the fire radiated towards him.

The 'walkers' turned, intrigued by the bright light and slowly made their way towards the water. Daryl turned on his spot and took in the scene before him. Dead bodies lay scattered across Alexandria. Puddles of blood soaked through the concrete and grass. And not too far into the distance was a group of survivors, fighting off any 'walkers' that remained focused on them. It was then that he noticed her. Her once pale skin was a sickly shade of Scarlett and her clothes were torn and dirty. Her dark hair had been died with blood and it stuck to her face as she swung her weapon. With each swift movement she became a stronger person. She may have been fighting for her life but she was surely magnificent.

A small smile of relief washed over his face and he sighed heavily, resting his hands on his knees as he watched her fiercely protect those she loved.

It was morning before the ground was clear of 'walkers' and Daryl jumped from the van with ease. He walked with the others towards the living, desperately hoping to find her in the crowds. His eyes scanned their bodies, waiting for any sign of her and when he found one, he didn't hesitate to push through the group to get to her.

At the other end of the crowd, Lou was pushing people out of the way and ducking underneath hugging couples. Her arm throbbed and any attempt to protect it failed as other shoulders barged into hers but she didn't have a moment to recoup; she had to find him.

A women moved in front of her and Louise's eyes locked onto him.

"Daryl, thank god"

A large sigh of relief escaped her lungs. Lou's lips curled into the biggest smile as she moved swiftly towards him. He grinned back as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly. The faint smell of his washing powder was enough to convince her he was real. He laced one arm around her waist and held the back of her head with his other.

"Hey, you alrigh'?"

They embraced each other for a few seconds before she lightly pushed his shoulder backwards.

"Don't do that to me again you asshole!"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Why? Yer worried about me?"

"No" she scoffed. "Just... didn't wanna be the only one providing for these idiots"

"Wha' happened to yer arm?" He asked quickly, holding onto her blood covered skin.

"Got shot"

"Typical" he smirked at her, "Cant leave yer alone for a second. Sure yer alrigh'?"

"Yeah" she sighed "Yeah, I'm fine"

"Should get yer looked at"

"You first"

Daryl placed a hand on the small of her back and lead her towards the infirmary. She looked up at him every few seconds, smiling to herself.

Daryl Dixon was back and he was still alive.

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