Chapter 97 - a good right hook

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Guns were what they needed. And guns were most definitely what they got. Crate after crate of weapons and ammunition were piled into their vehicles, stacked on top of each other like chairs in a high school gym - only with a lot less teenage-angst. Louise had spent an alarming amount of time searching through them for a bow that she could use as a replacement for her own but she came up empty handed. It was no secret that her love for that beautifully varnished piece of wood outweighed most of her other feelings and that since being stuck with a gun she had killed less walkers than the first few weeks of the apocalypse combined...and she hated it.

"What are you looking for?" Jesus asked, coming up behind her and startling her as she shoved a splintered crate to the side.

"A bow" she answered simply.

"I can help you with your gun...if you'd like?"

Lou scoffed. "No thanks. I'm perfectly capable of firing a gun...I'd just prefer the comfort and silence of my bow"

A heavy sigh left her lips and she sat on the open trunk of the vehicle, shook he head and grumbled loudly. As much as he tried to hide it, Jesus couldn't mask the smirk that appeared on his face and he moved to perch beside her, resting his hands on his lap as he did so.

"Why don't you just make one?" He suggested.

"Sure, I'll just use the internet to look up the instructions and...oh wait" she said, rolling her eyes playfully at him as he nudged her shoulder with his own.

"Ready?" Rick asked as he walked with Daryl towards the car. The two nodded simultaneously before climbing into the back and shutting the doors. Louise had never thought that in the post apocalyptic world she would spend so much time inside running motor vehicles and yet here she was, once again locked inside the small metal box. She was beginning to wish for enough daylight to walk back. The group dropped the guns off with Ann's community, ensuring to save a good amount for themselves to lock away secretly, ready for the inevitable fight between themselves and the Saviours. By the time they arrived back at Alexandria it was pitch black outside and only the lights of the RV aided their journey. Louise had took to sitting on the back of Daryl's bike after they left the garbage dump and the archer himself couldn't deny that he liked having her arms wrapped around his torso as they moved - it oddly relaxed him. Louise felt the same, having loved being in the fresh air rather than a stuffy car.

The second they pulled into Alexandria and the group moved towards Rosita, they knew something was wrong. Louise kicked her leg over the bike and hugged her jacket closer to her torso. "Everything okay?"

"Wheres Sasha?" Jesus asked, noticing that the lookout where she usually resided was empty.

Rosita sighed heavily and crossed her arms over her chest. "There's someone here.."

They began to walk towards the cell where Jesus himself once resided. The building itself was secure enough to hold even the strongest of people so Louise was surprised to see a familiar skinny, blonde, scarred figure sitting on the cold, damp floor. Dwight stood slowly upon the arrival of their group and much to her surprise, he didn't cower away in the corner. He did however jump back as a growl escaped Daryl's lips. The arched dived towards him, pushing his friends out the way with his outstretched arms, ready to land punch after punch to his captures face only to be pushed backwards by Rick.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down" Rick said, trying to hold his friend back. Louise took his arm, knowing full well that once the first blow connected, Daryl wouldn't be able to stop.

"Don't..." Lou soothed, watching as his chest rose rapidly.

"He says he wants to help" Rosita explained.

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