Chapter 92 - Honey, I'm home!

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They had ditched the truck. Taking a vehicle full of stolen explosives back into their community definitely wasn't the best course of action - especially if the Saviours were already on their way - so Rick drove as deep as he could into the wooded outskirts of Alexandria and stashed the vehicle behind a bunch of bushes. The group were taking the last mile by foot, carefully taking out any 'walkers' that wondered into their path and jogging at a leisurely pace.
Louise rolled her eyes as the fourth corpse made its way into the left of her eye line.

"I got it" she said, pulling her knife from her boot and sliding over a fallen tree that blocked her route. Arms reached out for her, the 'walker' snarling and drooling over the smell of her skin and in one swift motion she threw her blade the last few meters...and she missed. The archer cursed profusely under her breath and kicked the 'walker' backwards, her foot connecting with his stomach and forcing him to retreat a few feet. As he scrambled towards her again, she ducked underneath his arm, slid across the leaves and grabbed her weapon again. He tried to turn but the sharp blade penetrated his temple before he had chance. Louise yanked it backwards and allowed his body to hit the grass before she grumbled to herself. "God I miss my bow"

"You alright?" Rick asked as she joined the group that had waited for her. He had a slight smirk on his face. Never before had he seen her miss and he relished in the idea that she wasn't as perfect a shot as he once thought.

"Might need some target practice" Carl joked, chuckling softly.

Louise raised an eyebrow and playfully pushed his shoulder. "Shut up squirt"

The group approached the gates of Alexandria shortly after, the metal fences sliding open quickly as Rick held his hand up at Aaron, who had patiently awaited their return. He climbed down the ladders swiftly and wrapped his arms around Louise, who accepted his embrace fondly.

"Did you loose the truck?" he said over her shoulder, watching as Rick and the rest of their friends followed behind.

"It's somewhere safe" Rick replied, walking up to them. "Listen, we need to get everyone ready-"

The sound of a motorcycle and three vans halted his sentence. The Saviours had arrived. They pulled into the community and parked at the side of the gate, each person smirking at the small group of friends. Simon exited first, a large overproduced smile playing on his features. As usual, he wore his well-fitted grey shirt and a pair of recently washed jeans - although Lou had no glue regarding the hierarchy at The Sanctuary, she was incredibly confused as to how someone could constantly have impeccably clean clothes in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

"Rick, hello!" he shouted, holding his arms out in welcoming as he nodded at the rest of the group. "And hello again"

"We thought it'd be longer" Rick said, moving to the front of their group and stopping just in front of Simon, who raised his eyebrows.

"Do you think we're here for a tribute?" Rick looked at him, faking confusion until Simon asked again. "Do you?"

"Is there another reason?"

"There is. We're here for Daryl"

"Negan took Daryl" Lou interjected, stepping forwards and mustering as much false bewilderment as she could. Simon pursed his lips, shook his head and hummed.

"See, but then Rick's boy showed up and Daryl went missing. Might those two things be connected?"

"They're not" Rick stated. "We didn't know he was gone till right now"

The Saviour smiled.

"Then this should be easy. Everyone grab a buddy. You're gonna have to follow us around. If he's here...we really need you all to see him die. You're with me" he said, pointing at Lou as she raised her eyebrows at him. "I take it he bunks with you?"

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