Chapter 80 - Top rule

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Carl stood with his gun aimed at a Savior. The sheriff hat sat proudly on his head and the teenager held himself well; refusing to back down to a man more than twice his size. The intruder had a bag full of medicine in his hand and a crooked, overproduced smile on his face.

"Put some back or the next one goes in you" Carl stated, his hand never wavering.

"Kid...what do you think happens next?" The large male sighed as Negan, Rick and Lou burst through the front door.

"You die"

"Carl" Rick said, stopping next to his son and holding his hand out. "Carl, put it down"

"No. He's taking our medicine. They said only half our stuff!"

"Of course" Negan laughed, shaking his head. "Really, kid?"

Carl turned to Negan. "And you should go. Before you find out how dangerous we all are"

He raised an eyebrow.

"Well, pardon me, young man. Excuse the shit out of my goddamn French, but did you just threaten me?" He mock gasped, taking a step towards the brave teenager. "Look, I get threatening Davey here, but I can't have it. Not him. Not me"

"Carl, just put it down" Lou soothed, trying to diffuse the situation before someone was introduced to the end of Negan's baseball bat.

"Don't be rude, Lou-Lou. We are having a conversation here" Negan said, patting her on the shoulder and moving her out the way. "Now, boy, where were we? Oh, yeah. Your giant, man sized balls. No threatening us. Listen, I like you, so I don't want to go hard proving a point here. You don't want that"

Lou readied herself to intervene - nobody was going to die today.

"I said half your shit and half is what I say it is. I'm serious. Do you want me to prove how serious?" He asked, exhaling sharply before he turned towards the sheriff. "You know, Rick, this whole thing reminds me that you have a lot of guns. There's all the guns you took from my outpost when you waisted all my people with a shit-ton of your own guns, and I'm guessin' there's even more, which adds up to an absolute...ass-load of guns, and as this little emotional outburst just made crystal clear...I can't have that. They're all mine now, so tell me, Rick - where are my guns?"

The hunter closed her eyes tightly and shook her head. If they had no weapons, there was no way she would be able to get Daryl back without getting them both killed in the process.

"Where are my guns, Rick?" Negan asked again.

Rick let out a heavy sigh and gestured towards the door with his head. "This way"

"And you" he said, holding Lou by her shoulder and pulling her bag from her. "What were you doing with this giant bag full of my guns...not hiding them from me, surely?"

"Since you took my bow, I had to have somethin' to hunt with. I was just-"

"Giving them to me" he finished, smirking as he opened the zipper. "Yep. Definitely my guns. You know, you remind me of a certain redneck I keep locked in a cell. I think you'd like him"

Negan winked at her, flung the bag over his shoulder and strode out of the house.

"I'm gonna shove that bat so far up his ass, the bastard'll squeal" Lou muttered to Carl before following them out of the house.

The walk to the Armory was short and silent. Louise tried continuously to get Daryl's attention but each time she made an attempt, the tip of Lucille was once again bounced off her shoulder.

She shrugged him away each time and ignored the shake of his head as she picked up her pace and walked ahead. They rounded the corner as Olivia lifted the garage shutter.

"I figured you were coming" she sighed. A large blue blouse hung over her chubby figure, stopping just past her waist and a pair of rectangular glasses sat on the bridge of her nose.

"Hey Liv" Lou said softly, patting her arm and entering the musty garage.

"Show him where the guns are, Olivia" Rick said quickly before turning to Negan. "The armory's inside"

"You run the show in here?" Negan asked.

"I...I just keep track of it all, the rations, the guns" Olivia stuttered, fidgeting with her hands.

"Good. Smart. Don't let me stop you" he said. "Take her out, boys"

"Show 'em the goods" Rick repeated as he attempted to walk after her. Negan grabbed his shoulder and pulled him backwards.

"Wait, wait, wait. While they're at it, I just want to point out to you that I'm not taking a scrap of your food. Slim pickins in here and..." he leant down and spoke quietly. "I can't be the only one to notice that you got a fat lady in charge of keeping track of rations, can I?"

Lou scoffed at him.

"Either way, you starve to death, I don't get shit, so for now, you get to keep all your food. How 'bout that?"

Rick shuffled on his feet. "What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know, Rick. How about a thank you!" Negan snapped, his anger rising. "You think that might be in order? Or is that too much to ask?"

Louise shook her head. "You're a real fuckin' piece of work"

She turned on her heel and stormed out of the building but what awaited her outside only made her blood boil more. Her hands clenched into fists as her eyes locked onto Nicole. The teenager was being pushed backwards and teased by a Saviour. His hands were wrapped around the small girls wrists, instantly bruising her skin as he shook her body.

"Hey, asshole!" Lou shouted, marching towards him. "Why don't you piss off and pick on someone your own size?"

Knuckles connected with bone and the male was sent flying backwards. He clutched at his jaw and clicked it back into place before steadying himself.

"You're gonna pay for that" he grunted, squaring up to the female.

"I'm hearing a lot of talking but not a lot of action"

He raised his hand and brought it down. Louise prepared for impact but before his skin connected with hers, he was pushed to the ground. The tip of Lucille rested against his chest.

"Mark, what do we say about hitting women?" Negan sighed, adding pressure to his chest plate.

"O...only when necessary" he replied.

"Correct and was that necessary?"

"She jus-"

"Was. That. Necessary?"

"No, sir"

"Exactly" Negan said through gritted teeth. He exhaled sharply and lifted Lucille away. "Now go help fat Joey with that couch before his tree trunk thighs give out"

Mark scrambled to his feet, muttering some choice words and left to help his friend retrieve the seat.

Lou furrowed her eyebrows at the man in front of her. "You didn't have to do that"

"I have rules" he smirked, taking a step towards her. "My men follow my rules"

"What? And don't hit women is top of that list?"

"Not all women" he said quietly, before winking at her and strolling back the way he came. He whistled as he walked, holding his bat against his shoulder and smiling to himself.

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