Chapter 104 - Savior Buffet

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She'd barely slept. The hope that she'd pass out from exhaustion the second her head hit the pillow was idiotic at best. The entire night was spent tossing and turning and trying desperately not to wake Daryl up as she struggled to get comfortable. Hour after hour she laid there, eyes locked onto the ceiling, chest raising rapidly. The blanket on her body was suffocating – it alarmingly reminded her of the horde she'd only just managed to escape, locking her in tight and knocking the wind out of her.

In all of her years, she'd never been afraid of them. When she was younger, most of her free time was spent watching horror films of Zombie up-risings and she'd laugh every time blood and guts sprayed at the, she couldn't understand why she was now suddenly terrified of them. Maybe it was the sheer volume that had surrounded her. Or the knowledge that she was probably going to die there. Or the uneasy fact that Negan, the deranged male that had brutally murdered her friends and brother, had allowed her to live. No matter what the reason, it was now forcing her mind to stay awake and tormenting her well into the early hours of the morning.

It was almost four in the morning when she'd decided to give up on sleep entirely and quietly made her way downstairs. The only mug they had left since Simon's raid was still sat beside the coffee press – the remnants of Eric's drink left inside. With a heavy heart, she poured it away and brewed herself a fresh cup, sipping silently on it as she stared at the front door, willing him and Aaron to walk in at any moment. Of course, she knew that was never going to happen.

No matter how many caffeine-full beverages she had, it didn't help wake her up. She was on her fourth cup by the time Daryl came downstairs at seven am.

"Mornin'" he said, instantly making his way towards the kitchen to grab his mug. He stopped outside the empty cupboard, the door in his hand and a confused look on his face.. "The hell happened to all the mugs?"

"Negan sent his band of misfits lookin' for you...Simon trashed the place" she sighed, running her finger around the rim of her mug. "We've been sharing the same mug until I could find some more"

His face contorted. "Did he hurt ya?"

"No" she said quickly as she pushed the remaining of her coffee towards him. Daryl picked it up and took a sip. "He's just intimidating"

"Yer not the type to be intimidated, Lou" his eyebrows pulled together and he looked her up and down a few times, concern taking over him. "Couldn't sleep?"

She shook her head. "I'm running on caffeine"

"I'd tell you rest today but I know you'll do the opposite of whatever I say"

"I can't stay here whilst everyone is out there, fighting" she sighed. "I felt bad enough when I was trapped out there...and everyone was fighting for their lives. I could've been there to help-"

"Wha' happened to Eric weren't yer fault" he cut in. "You couldn't have done anything"

Louise pursed her lips and nodded. "Whatever you're doing today, I'm coming with you"

"I'm goin' to the Sanctuary, gonna end it quick. I want this done" he stated, watching wearily for any sign of hesitation from her - nothing arose.

"Don't have to tell me twice"


Louise stared at the truck that they'd rammed through the front doors of the Sanctuary. The 'walker's' piled through the gap, snarling and gnawing at Saviours as they struggled to hold the horde back. Screams ricocheted off the walls. Bullets bounced off the interior. If she didn't know any better she would've thought she'd stumbled upon a slaughter house...but then she guessed, she'd just created one. Daryl stood beside her, nodding as he recall his actions, not a single regret running through his mind.

"It's gonna work" Daryl said.

Michonne sighed and shook her head. "So we cover you with crossfire from the upper windows...and you crash the truck into the walkers and through the building?"

"Yep" Lou said. "Saviour buffet"

"You know the workers will make it away, up the stairs?" Rosita asked.

"They're on the other side of the building'. They should make it" Daryl stated, watching as Rosita leaned up against the truck, Michonne beside her. "After we do this, their only choice is to give up"

"It's risky. They could see the truck comin'"

"We work with what we got" Lou stated.

"You got me...other snipers, too" Morgan said, coming up behind them, sniper rifle in hand. "Saviours see you comin', we got you covered. Whatever it takes"

Louise nodded slowly. "We don't have he Kingdom fighters anymore. If the Saviours wanna put up a fight, we don't have the numbers to make them surrender. This is it"

They stood there arguing for what felt like forever. Over and over again they debated their side, fighting each other to get their point across until Rosita and Michonne gave up. They both left. Louise understood why...but there was no way that she, herself, was going to leave the Saviours even the smallest fraction of time to try and fight.

Daryl brought the vehicle round and hid it out of sight, just to the right of the building. Tara hopped out first and headed for cover, Morgan giving them constant intel through the radio that sat on the dashboard.

"You ready?" Daryl asked, looking over at Louise, who was looking through a pair of binoculars.

She nodded. "It's worth the risk"

"It's worth the risk" he repeated.

A shaky breath left her lungs. "Let's do this"

"South lookout ready for go" Morgan said, his voice cracking through the small speaker. The archers nodded. Daryl slammed his foot on the accelerator.

The truck took off at an alarming speed and skidded around the corner. The closer they're got the building, the more Lou's adrenaline rose and the second Daryl lifted his foot and replaced the pressure with a house brick, the two dived from the moving vehicle and rolled across the floor.

The force hit her more than she'd thought and as her already bruised ribs connected with the concrete, she had to bite down on her lip so she wouldn't yell out. Her body stopped moving as her back hit the fence and she quickly scrambled to her feet.

Daryl wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her behind a shallow wall, out of site.

"Daryl, you guys are clear to the south" Morgan's voice rang out. "You should head home"

She couldn't take her eyes away from the building. It wasn't because she felt remorse, or because she was concerned for the innocent people inside. It was because she was praying she'd see the horror on Negan's face when he realised he was fucked.

"Lou, we gotta go" Daryl warned.

Slowly, she nodded her head and walked backwards, refusing to avert her gaze as they ran back to their car.

Negan didn't show.

When the dead roam - (Daryl Dixon)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt