Chapter 51: Lock and Key

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First of all, thanks so much to everyone who's sticking with this story. I know the chapters are long but that's the way I roll, I'm afraid. This week's update, I know, will divide you all, so I apologize in advance. Love me or hate me .... the story continues apace. Shannon springs his surprise on Cat ... but what happens next? I'm giving nothing away. Read on and leave your comments! (Be kind) ♥️♥️

"Grazie!" Shannon tipped the Uber driver and ushered Cat out on to the Via Condotti. She shielded her eyes as they were swept along in a sea of tourists heading down from the Spanish steps and into one of Rome's most fashionable shopping streets.

Buildings rose steeply on either side and Cat breathed a sigh of relief as they headed into the shade. Only the occasional shaft of sunlight edged through gaps in buildings, highlighting shuttered windows and stone carved balustrades. But at street level, the colors remained muted.

As a child, Europe had always been a dream destination and Cat remembered spending hours looking at photos of ancient cities and important monuments.

So being here, and seeing it all first hand, was breathtaking.

Wherever she turned there were designer shops: Gucci, Valentino, Prada. They were interspersed with high-end jewelers; Bulgari, Harry Winston, Tiffany. It was Italian chic overload and all she wanted was to linger and peek in the shop windows.

But Shannon had other ideas. 

He walked with purpose, holding her hand tight and pulling her through the busy crowds of shoppers.

Whatever surprise he had in mind, he wasn't wasting any time as Cat struggled to keep up with him. Her eyes were drawn in by the brightly colored fabrics and accessories hidden behind glass and guards. But even dragging her heels couldn't put a brake on his stride.

They hopped on and off the sidewalk to avoid pedestrians and Cat could only stare wide-eyed as they rushed past the high temples of fashion.

Just as she was about to ask where they were going, they pulled up alongside a stone arch with ironwork detail.

Shannon nudged her ribs and took a deep breath.

"Have you ever been inside one of these places?" he asked, craning his neck to look at the building in front of them.

Cat glanced at the stone plaque set into the wall: Cartier 1847.

She was dressed in a Gap skirt, bought in the sale, and her top was vintage H&M. It was hardly Gucci.

"Do I look like the sort of woman who's ever been in a place like this?" She raised one eyebrow and traced her fingers across the Cartier logo.

He chuckled. That was the exact response he was expecting.

The guard cast his eye over them before stepping aside to let them in. Cat desperately wanted to make him smile but thought better of it.

"What are we doing here?" Her voice was deadened by the wood-paneled interior. She looked around and instantly felt out of place among the perfectly coiffured assistants.

"Buon Giorno." A woman greeted Shannon, holding out a hand that had likely never seen a hard day's work. Cat glanced over and noticed how her fake smile faded as Shannon ignored the greeting

"Ciao." Shannon preferred a complete lack of formality. He looked so out of place but Cat watched as he took control of the situation. He was putting on a masterclass of arrogant self-confidence.

"Can I help you?" Her English was flawless like everything else about her and Cat faded into the background, letting Shannon do the talking. She wasn't listening to the conversation. Instead, her attention was taken with the vast array of sparkling jewels and watches, all with a noticeable lack of price tags. 

Don't Call Me Cat!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon